81~ Confession...

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Tarakshya's POV

I glanced at my wristwatch and noted that it was precisely 5 PM, then shifted my gaze to her unconscious form on the bed.

Her lovely face appeared pale, her lips were white, and slender hands bore syringe marks. Long, curly hair lay strewn about, and her chest rose and fell slowly.

My eyes briefly drifted to her swollen womb before quickly averting, causing me to unbutton the topmost buttons of my shirt for better breathing.

It's been two agonizing days, enduring her wails, cries, and tears has been unbearable even in her unconscious form, but witnessing that thick red liquid and hearing the news of her miscarriage makes me ponder the depth of her pain.

She would be devastated upon learning about her unborn child, and that realization leaves my heart feeling numb. While I may feel satisfaction over the loss of the unborn's father, but I can't find happiness in seeing tears in her eyes.

I sighed and glanced out the window, taking in the beautiful sight of the sun setting. However, my attention was immediately drawn back inside, where I found the moon lying on my bed more captivating to behold.

We're currently on a small island called Valaska, inhabited by a few tribes of Aadiwasi people and under the guardianship of Russia.

Despite being a tourist destination, I've remained confined to this room for two days, unable to tear myself away from her unconscious form.

"Sir, Doctor," I heard my assistant's voice and lifted my eyes to see a male doctor standing beside him, causing a frown to crease my forehead.

"Where is the female doctor?" I asked, recalling the doctor who had been caring for her for past two days.

I fucking detest the idea of allowing her to be touched by another man, regardless of her past.

"She's not well, Mr. Rajdhan. He's just here to change her syringe," Kaustubh Trivedi's voice interrupted my thoughts who just came and I reluctantly granted permission for the doctor to enter and perform his task.

He completed his task quietly in ten minutes and left, but I couldn't shake the feeling of distrust towards him.

Her brother came and sat opposite me, his tone always dripping with sarcasm. "Ardhansh Singhaniya already broke her, and I know what a gentleman you are. Wouldn't it be better if you stayed away from her, Mr. Rajdhan?"

"Why is that?" I asked, my gaze still fixed on her beautiful face, awaiting his response.

"She doesn't know who you are, but she isn't going to like you once she finds out. You were the sole reason Dad sent her away. You killed our grandparents, and you expect her to love you."

"I don't expect anything from her, nor do I find you worthy enough to answer your questions," I replied with a smile, noticing her lips moving slightly.

He chuckled, and I shifted my attention to him as he spoke, "Do you think Ardhansh will give up on her? He is a Singhaniya, and I don't think we should underestimate that bloodline. You know enough. If you both stand against each other, you'll only end up destroying my sister, and I don't want that. Either you give up Takshya or watch her get destroyed."

"Not your concern, Kaustubh, Please focus on your own life, after all you weren't capable of handling a mere teenage girl."

His expression faltered, and a smile graced my lips, of course my intentions weren't of hurting him, he wasn't my enemy nor my friend, just brother of girl I loved, I just wanted him to realize in which mud he was standing.

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