Chapter Twenty Six

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Branson Williams

A week of lying in bed, and having my entire family catering to me sounds like it would be heaven. It's not. The first couple of days I was so out of it, but the further into the week we got the clearer my head got.

My scars will stay, but they're pretty healed now. I get to leave today. But something tells me Noah isn't gonna back off. He's literally fluffing my pillow every hour.

The doctor comes in, and starts the discharging process. Dad is here, and he helps us through it. Pops is doing damage control with the pack so Noah can be here with me, but it doesn't stop pops from checking in constantly.

I don't know what really happened, but I know my heart stopped. And that I can't feel my mate anymore. My neck was torn into, but no serious damage which is nice. I have large gashes on my stomach area,

The doctor says it looks worse than it is, but I lost so much blood during the attack which is what caused my heart to stop. They've pumped me full of blood, and thankfully I have been healing.

Getting discharged and taken home is a blur, I'm high on pain pills and I'm so ready to sleep in my own bed. Noah doesn't leave my side, cuddling in bed with me, and I fall asleep like that.

Another day of bed rest, and Noah hasn't left still. He goes to the bathroom, and to get us food, but doesn't leave the house. Not even when his dad says they need him.

I'm on day 3 of being home. I'm exhausted, but I got out of bed today by myself. I use the bathroom, change my gauze and then Noah is pounding on the door, bursting in. His wild eyes are tracking all my movements.

Then he relaxes, and slumps against the door frame.

Day 5 is no more fun, but I get to walk to the kitchen. With some assistance, of course. I get to eat some soup, and I have to take it easy. Tomorrow I go in for a check up and some blood work.

"Your blood work came back awesome. Your scars are healing. But uh, we need to do some more looking into your body. I don't know how to say it, but you're pregnant, Branson. And with your heart stopping, we're worried about what can be going on with the baby. The likely hood of the baby still doing slim" her voice is gentle, and soft

My heart freezes, and my body tenses. Not only am I pregnant, it could be.. Gone? My throat clenches, but I agree. I don't look at Noah, because I can't. Did I kill our baby?

The tests, the ultrasound all goes by in the familiar blur, and when it seems like everything's done they're still going. Within an hour, my doctor is coming in with a small smile.

"Two babies" She gives a small smile. "They look okay, it's still very, very early. So we want you here twice a week to make sure everything is okay. But they seem fine. You need to stop taking the pain medicines though, so they don't cause anymore damage. Your pregnancy is very high risk sense the attack. So you need to take it easy, relax. Eat lots of beneficial food. No training, and try not to shift for the first couple of months. We need to keep an eye on the pups" she has a sweet smile, that sends warmth through my body.

I didn't kill our pups. I let out a shaky breath, and Noah is by my side, intertwining our fingers. "Thank you doc, can we have a moment?"

"Of course Alpha. Thank you" she gives another smile, before she leaves. Noah crouches down, so I finally have to look at him. But I don't, I stare at my feet.

"Pups.. look at me" he whispers, squeezing my hands. The desperate sound in his voice makes me finally look at him. He looks concerned. Oh my goddess he hates me, doesn't he?

"I'm sorry" I croak, my voice raw. Tears spring in my eyes. "I almost killed our pups"

"Oh baby" he whispers, standing and pulling me into him. He kisses my head, cupping the back of it with his hand. "It's not your fault, I almost lost you. Those pups are barely anything right now, it wouldn't and isn't your fault" his words are gentle, as his fingers thread through my hair.

"I'm sorry" I sob, my whole body shaking as I cry into his chest. I don't even know how he feels about having pups, but they're there. "They're okay" I say, my breath coming out in short pants.

I'm being pulled up into Noah's arms. It's slightly awkward, because I'm not small, but he sits on the floor, with me in his lap and his arms tightly around me. He lets me cry into him, he holds me and rubs my back. He whispers sweet words as he rocks me.

I don't know how long we sit there, but he holds me through it all. But there's no bond, no spark of it.

Noah loves me, mated or not.

Noah loves me.

And I think I love him, too.


"Pups?" Dad smiles, hugging me to his small body. Xan squeals, tugging on me and pulling me to him.

"I'm gonna be the best uncle, ever" he smiles, a real fucking smile. His eyes are lit up, and his dimples are popping through.

"It's really high risk though, sense i died and all" i tack on again, because i swear they just heard pups and went wild.

"No training or shifting, and lots of eating and fluids" Noah says, telling dad. Pops is smiling, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Your dad was a high risk too. Don't worry too much about it. Just be careful, and listen to your body"

"I had to eat a lot too. I gained like 30 pounds in a month and a half" dad leans into pops. Pop's arm wraps around his mate, and he holds him close to his body. Xan pulls me into a hug again, smiling against my shoulder.

"Are you excited?" he asks, pulling away.

"Nervous, I was hoping to wait a couple years until this happened. But I guess this works too" he nods, listening. Xan is the best person to go to for anything. He cares about what's bothering you, and he gives good ass advice.

"It'll be a hard adjustment, but I think you'll do really well. You just gotta take it one day at a time."

"That's smart" I nod, squeezing his shoulder. He asks Noah how he feels, and Noah gives him a wide grin as he goes on about how excited he is.

Okay then.

I make my way to the kitchen, because I'm starving and if I have to eat soup one more day I might just burn the whole house down.

Dramatic, but I really want something good to eat.

"I'll make you a wrap, sit" Dad orders, pointing to the chair at the aisle. He gets the ingredients out of the fridge, and starts making the food.

I sit down, leaning my arms on the counter. "Appreciate you, dad" I murmur, and he just sends me a grin over his shoulder. He makes my food, and gives me a gatorade. Then he disappears. Who knows what that man does during his dad.

Actually, pop is gone a lot too. I don't want to see that, thank you.

"Hey pups" Noah says, coming in and taking a bite out of the wrap in my hand. He hums, and slips in the seat beside me. "We should move into the pack house" he tacks on, leaning back into his seat. "I think it's time"

I nod, swallowing down my food. "Yeah, you're right. We also need to talk about our bond"

"Bond or not, nothing's changed for me" Noah's eyes cut to me. I swallow, nodding.

"Me neither Noah." my eyes flick between his "I still love you"

His face splits into a wide grin, and he's coming into my space. "Tell me again, pups," he whispers, and I smile.

"I love you, dork" 


Hello loves. How have you been enjoying the story? There's early access and bonus chapters posted on my patreon! This story is coming to an end, but Alexander's story will be starting soon!

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