The morning after

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Edgar Allen Poe awoke in the middle of the night to a pair of hands deftly making their way down his sides, and a pair of emerald eyes staring
back at him. Apparently, Ranpo still wasn't satisfied from their previous "activities" earlier that evening. He still had powdered sugar remnants on
the corners of his mouth.
"Hey, beautiful.'' Ranpo purred, his lithe hands pulling at Poe's boxers he had miraculously found strewn on the floor earlier.
swallowed hard. Sure, he had gotten his turn earlier what with Ranpo giving him the best blowjob in his 28 years on earth, but obviously
Ranpo was still wound up after a quick snooze. Out of the corner of his eye, he peeked at the clock on their shared bedside table. Three in the
morning. Well, neither one of them had to be up for work in a few more hours, and Poe did feel somewhat guilty for not returning the favor earlier.
His eyes shifted again to the leftover sixth donut, sitting in the mostly empty box on the floor, forgotten. A metaphorical lightbulb lit up in Poe's
"Stay right here, baby. I'll be right back." Poe whispered seductively, matching Ranpo's tone, and pulled himself out of bed to the bathroom.
He grabbed the leftover donut from the box as he left and quickly scurried towards the bathroom cabinet. A fter hurriedly rummaging through its
contents, he found what he was searching so eagerly for, dental floss. With quick fingers, Poe snipped off a piece the floss and tied the ends tO
either sides of the sugary ring of dough. He had a makeshift gag, of sorts. Perfect.
Bursting in through the bathroom door, Poe found himself staring at Ranpo, who was still very much naked, laying on his side, head resting on the
pillow. Poe's heart skipped a beat. He was always so excited to see Ranpo, his beloved; a testament to the love the two shared through rivalry,
friendship, and now living and sharing their whole lives together. Ranpo's eyebrows cocked slightly, staring at the contraption in Poe's hands.
Making his way back over to the bed, Poe sat on the edge and smiled at his lover.
I realized I never returned the favor, and I think you deserve something, too. Now, show me that pretty mouth of yours." He said.
The two met in a passionate kiss. Poe could still taste the sweetness on Ranpo's mouth, taking his lower lip and running his teeth over it. Ranpo
gasped, and continued to kiss Poe with a lust that took Poe's breath away. Poe broke their kiss first, staring back at a flushed, bed head stricken
Ranpo. Absolutely gorgeous.
"T'm gonna gag you with this, ok? Just pinch me if it's too much. Poe said.
"Is this your excuse to get me quiet for once, or do you just really like to see my mouth busy?" Ranpo smirked. His sharp tongue, while always
getting him into trouble, let out the prettiest moans.
Poe chuckled, before Ranpo opened his mouth and let Poe stick a side of the donut in while he tied the string behind his head. His voice was now
perfectly muffled, with the sweetness from the sugar pleasantly coating his tongue.
" Just lay back, let me take care of the rest. Poe rubbed a circle with his thumb on Ranpo's belly, before moving down to his delicious thighs and
perfect cock, now standing at full attention
Kissing every stretch mark on the inside of his thighs, Poe began to lap at Ranpo's hole while lazily moving his hand up and down on Ranpo's
dick. Ranpo squirmed, breath hitching underneath the makeshift gag. Content with himself, Poe took his other free hand and plunged a finger into
Ranpo. The ravenette above him moaned, muffled by the donut, and nodded feverishly.
""Oh, you like that, huh?" Poe smirked, before sticking in another long, gangly finger with the first.
He began to scissor Ranpo open, curling his fingers in search of his sweet spot. Ranpo was drooling now, the sugar very obviously all over his
face, and Poe smiled. Wait, was that a bite taken out of his "gag"?
Poe added a third finger, probing around inside Ranpo until he found was he was looking for. Ranpo squealed, shoving his ass down to meet Poe's
fingers. He continued to fuck himself down onto Poe's fingers feverishly, while the writer continued to pound into him.
Poe was positively glowing. He loves making Ranpo feel good, and loves to watch him. His thighs and belly bouncing, face flushed, and eyes
screwed shut in pleasure, all while desperately chasing his orgasm. Ranpo was never patient.
With the hand he was previously using to squeeze Ranpo's plush hip, Poe made his way back up to Ranpo's forgotten cock, now slicked in
precum, and flicked his wrist. Ranpo screamed, muffled of course, as he came. By now, Ranpo had only a piece of the donut in his mouth, having
long eaten the rest. He technically wasn't really gagged anymore, but couldn't resist not finishing the delicious treat. Who was he to turn down
sweets? Cum spurted from Ranpo's dick in waves as Poe continued to fuck into him through his high. Panting, the dental string fell down around
his clavicle.
Ranpo was a mess, body covered in cum, and face covered in powdered sugar. He was still panting when Poe slid his fingers out of him and
embraced him in another kiss.
"You big sap. Just couldn't get enough, huh?" Ranpo teased, breaking the kiss and locking eyes with Poe.
"You started it, and I finished it." Poe quipped, kissing Ranpo's nose before scooping up him AP bridal style, albeit very clumsily and with arms
shaking, and taking him to the bathroom for a shower.
Perhaps a third round as well.

powdered sugar Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now