The deal and arrival

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Drake is a world renowned gamer he has every record imaginable on video gams like fallout even to dark souls but it wasn't enough so he calls upon dark forces

Drake: LUCIFER I SUMMON YOU TO GRANT MY WISH is doing a summoning with candles and his own blood as the conduit

After Drakes proclamation the room fills with am Erie red smoke as a firey red portal open up in his room and lucifer in a grand show arises out of he portal with is power and dominance rolling off of him

Lucifer: what is it you ask of me mortal

Drake: I want to be able to play games whenever I want any game even ones yet to come out no matter the console

Lucifer: that is simple to grant now as your payment

Drake: yes I'll give my soul as the payment

Lucifer: actually I have another way for you to pay you work for me when you die because let's face it your going to hell either way and I'll make sure your well taken care of down there hehehe

Drake: yes I'll do it as long as I can have my wish granted I'll work for you

Lucifer: then it'd a deal? Holds his hand out for Drake to shake his hand

Drake: shakes his hand

Lucifer: see you soon creepily laughs and disappears

Drake: well that certainly isn't ominous starts to stream a game he's already played trying to beat his current record

???: are you sure he's the guy?

???: yes he's the guy apparently he pissed off some geek and now he's wanted dead

???: i swear to fuck those sinners really are really getting petty take the shot mox

Drake: who the fuc- is rudely cut off as a bullet goes through his head


Falling that's what Drake feels it feels like he's falling for an eternity has angry not at his killers but at the fact he never got to try his new power out all those games he never got to play all those records he never got to beat he's pissed but he's fine with it


rake: I guess I didn't have a one up never beat the stage never saved my princess fuck Drake sees a red light and he's free Falling in what looks like a city OH FU- Drake hits the ground fucking owwww Drake stands up someone really should put a mattress there fuck

Lucifer: see I said the same thing


Lucifer: I told you that when you die you'll work for me and what your gonna do for me is keep an eye on my daughter charlie you see she's got this hotel that's meant to redeem sinners and she already know all my workers except for you so you'll keep an eye on her and update me on anything that happens that is your job and since you didn't get to use your power in life ill let you use those powers and then some here as long as you keep doing your job ill expect an update every week gives Drake a phone call me weekly don't fail me and also you should take a look at your new appearance you'll Like it hehehe disappears

Drake: the fucks that supposed to mean drake begins his journey into pentagram city and stops at a window looking at his appearance

Drake: holy hell is that what I look like? Damn either I'm really fucking sexy or I'm fugly I can't really tell very well nice suit though so at least I don't look like a hobo

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Drake: holy hell is that what I look like? Damn either I'm really fucking sexy or I'm fugly I can't really tell very well nice suit though so at least I don't look like a hobo

Drake is cut off from his thoughts as he hears a massive explosion and sees a giant blimp falling out of the sky

Drake: I gotta see that maybe it's something fun and it's on my way to that hotel lucifer wants me to go to Drake begins to walk to where the blimp that crashed he sees a bunch of fallen parts eggshells and a snake person that looks like he's from the Victorian Era holy shit dude are you all right?

???: dazed uhhhhhh did anyone get the number of the persssson that hit me his face hits the ground knocked out

Drake: nice talk Drake steps over the snake man and makes his way to the hotel when he reached it the entrance looks like someone blew it up hmmm that doesn't seem right walking to the blown open door hellloooo anyone here? I heard this place redeemed sinners? And I'd li-

There really wasn't any time to finish what he was saying because a pale blond girl rushed over from the kitchen or what Drake thought was the kitchen yelling excitedly twords Drake


Drake: gonna go out on a limb here and say your charlie? Nice to meet you I'm Drake I heard about your hotel and I'd like to join it

Charlie: ohhh welcome welcome I'm so glad someone is interested in my hotel that makes me so happy charlie sqeals and hugs Drake

Drake: yea happy to be here to

Well that was a blast and a half

878 words

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