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Macey Leigh wasn't always this way.

Once she was gullible and curious, now she's cautious and afraid.

Achieving so much at a young age, Macey is afraid of losing everything she worked for.

She is afraid of not living up to the standards set by herself and others. What if she lets everyone and herself down?

Sylvia Plath once said "Let's face it: I'm scared, scared and frozen. First, I guess I'm afraid for myself... the old primitive urge for survival."

She wants to live her life freely, yet her past keeps dragging her down not letting her move towards her future.

Will her joining the famous BAU of the FBI aid in her survival or become her ruin?

Is a life built on pain and suffering, a life worth living?

Can Macey leave her baggage in the past or will one case bring it all to the surface and expose who she truly is to her work family?

The fear of not being accepted can drive you to do terrible things.


Spencer Reid had always been different, his mother assured him he was a gift. His father ran unable to take responsibility and help his wife.

10 year old Spencer Reid was told he was weak, leading to the fear of being perceived as vulnerable and pathetic.

What did he do so wrong that his own father couldn't stay?

Children who are ignored by their parents are more likely to blame themselves instead of their parents for the issues they experience.

They believe it's their own fault that bad things happen.

Spencer's mom was put in sanitarium because he was too pathetic and unequipped to care for his own mother.

Ruta sepetys once said "Guilt is a hunter. My conscience mocked me, picking fights like a petulant child. It's all your fault, the voice whispered."

Spencer's guilt crawled and bit desperate to escape and plague his every thoughts.

When his best friend and coworker Macey begins acting strange after a case will the team be able to make it through it?

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