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"How are you feeling today?"

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"How are you feeling today?"

I have been seeing my therapist for about seven years now, and it has been an incredibly transformative journey. When I first started therapy, I was dealing with a significant issue that was causing me a great deal of distress. Over the years, my therapist has been instrumental in helping me navigate through this issue, and I am grateful for the progress we have made together.

Initially, I was seeing my therapist on a weekly basis, as the issue we were addressing required consistent support and guidance. As time went on and I began to make progress, we gradually reduced the frequency of our sessions. Now, I only see her once every two months for an hour, which is a testament to the progress we have made together.

The focus of our sessions has shifted over the years as well. In the beginning, our discussions were centered around the specific issue that brought me to therapy. Now, our conversations are more about daily check-ins and addressing any inconveniences or challenges that may arise in my life. This shift in focus is a reflection of the fact that we have moved past the initial issue and are now working on maintaining my overall well-being and mental health.

"I'm good," I said, sitting back on the couch.

"You know we only have two more sessions with each other. How do you feel about that?"

"I feel like I've come far enough in my life where I can prevail on my own. I feel good knowing that I've received the help that I needed after all these years...I feel like a new person,"

"I'm glad that we've come this far in your journey since we first started. You are one of my favorite clients and I'm confident enough to say that," she giggled.

"And you're one of my favorite people to talk to," I smiled.

"Thank you. So, what's been going on this week?"

"Well, for starters, I moved into my new place. I have a house now instead of an apartment. It's about 12 minutes away in a nice neighborhood,"

"Congratulations! I am so proud of you! Is it a big house?"

"It's a reasonable size. I love it though,"

"That's great! Did you ever get that raise at your job?"

"Oh, yeah! I did actually! They raised my pay by $3 which is enough to take care of myself on and to take care of my mom...she deserves it,"

"I love to hear the progress," she said, smiling. "I wish you nothing but the very best in life and I am so proud of you, Emery,"

"Thank you, Ms. Dandry,"


On my way back to my crib, I took a deep breath and sighed. My seven years of therapy had been over and I was finally able to move on in my life. I've had the roughest childhood and the roughest life, but I feel like things are going to be okay. 

"How's it going baby," my mom asked. She's been helping me clean my house and getting things together for me. My dad is at the Home Depot buying a fence for my yard.

"It's going good, ma. The house smells amazing!"

"Thank you. It smelled like complete dog shit and I needed to get to work asap!"

"Ma! Really?" I laughed. 

"Yes. The first time you move in, you clean and inspect. That's the number one rule,"

"Yeah...I appreciate all your help, ma,"

"Oh, no problem, Emery. You know me and yo dad got you. Hey, did you ever talk to Leslie?" she asked.

Leslie was my ex girlfriend of five years. We broke up around two years ago because...she just wasn't the same anymore and it crushed my heart to see the path she chose. I had her contact for a minute, we talked on and off, but...she just kept disappearing.

"I haven't heard from her in two months. I don't know what she's doing. She probably sold her phone...who knows,"

"I feel so sorry for her. She was such a sweet heart and a loving woman. How can she just go down like that?"

"I don't know, mom..."

We were friends since high school and eventually started dating up until we broke up. Leslie was one of the best things to ever happen to me, but she isn't for me anymore. I hope she will be okay.

"You hungry? I want something to eat. I want some lobster tails,"

"We can go get some before they close. Wanna wait 'til pops get back?"

"No! He better meet us down there," She said, grabbing her jacket. "Come on, let's go. I am starving!"

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