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"Didja hear that?" Lester asks as we make our way back to his truck through the thick woods.

I sigh tiredly, wiping the sweat off my face with the back of my hand. We've been on a hunting trip all day and honestly, I just wanna go home. We have a ways to go; I don't have the energy to listen to my younger brother's inscesant babbling.

"All I hear is you talkin.'" I grumble, hoping he'll shut up. But Lester's right, there's something lurking around besides us. Footsteps. It's rare to encounter othe people around this area, but it's happened before. I drop my catch of the day and pull out my hunting knife. Lester follows suit. Our eyes scan the trees, trying to pinpoint the source of the sounds. The footsteps get closer until a small, stumbling figure emerges a few feet in front of us.

It was a young woman; she was covered in dirt from head to toe. Her hair was matted and caked in mud as well. I could even make out some red mixed in with all the mess. Blood. She stops in her tracks when she spots us. We stand our ground, waiting to see what she would do next.

"Miss?" Lester calls out, he cautiously steps closer to her and she staggers foward one last time before her legs give out. Lester catches her before her face hits the ground. I walk over to them and stare down at the female. She looks in even worse shape up close. The only thing she's wearing is a tanktop and a pair of shorts, exposing her thin arms and legs.

I notice something familiar on her wrists: scars that are all too familiar to my own. I look at the girls face, and there's something about her...I don't know why, but I feel this weird sense that we have met before.

"Les...we're bringing her with us." I say, taking her from his arms, picking her up bridal style. Her body is completly limp and she's extremely light. He looks at me with wide eyes. We never take in stragglers. Ever. No matter how beaten up they are. And we most definitely don't let people in our home.

"She's just a..." Lester begins to protest, but I give him a warning glare and he closes his mouth. He knows better than to question me. He picks up both mine and his fowl and we continue our trek to the truck. When we finally reach the vehicle, I climb in the passenger's seat and carefully set the girl on my lap. Lester drives off and we sit in silence. I know what he's thinking, cause I'm thinking the same thing:

Bo's finally snapped

Hello people! To those who already are familiar with this story on my main page,welcome back and for those who are new, welcome to my take on House of wax. If y'all are interested in my other stories my main page is EmilyHoranMartinez (Sophie Winchester) yes, as my username states I am a directioner (for life! And proud of it! ) and a SPN fan (family don't end in blood) I hope y'all enjoy my work and I'll try to update at least once a week as for the other stories I'll update them as well when I get back on track with this one. Also I'll fix the cover once I get organized I'm gonna change it but I wanted people to recognize that it's the same story I started.

TTFN! ~Emily

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