Chapter one: New beginnings

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Setting: Ambrose, Louisiana, USA.

Year: 1972

Narrarator: Rain falls relentlessly over the small town of Ambrose. The pitch black night sky is iluminated by random bolts of lightning and the empty streets by the lamps that run along the sidewalks. One lone rat scurries across a vacant allyway, seeking shelter. Our story begins at the top of a hill at the Sinclair residence. On that hill was the home of Dr. Victor Sinclair and his wife, Trudy. Had it not been for the rain and loud thunder, the neighbors would be able to hear the wails of two newborn babies. Trudy had given birth to twins, Beaureguard and Vincent. Although the babies were born mostly healthy, there was one major problem: they were conjoined at their heads.

While both parents knew this beforehand, trudy still wanted to go through with the pregnancy and opted for a C Section. Victor had wanted to terminate the prgnancy, but he loved his wife dearly and would do anything to make her happy; he agreed to help deliver the infants. The young couple had gone to several hospitals to get help seperating their sons, only to be refused beause of the high risk of the babies dying during or after the surgery, plus Victor had a record of conducting severeal questionable procedures medical in the past, thus shutting alot of doors for them.

Trudy was devestated but again, wanting to fufill his beloved wife's desires, Victor stepped up and decided to prepare himself to execute the operation...

*Trudy's POV*

I need a ciggarette. I need a ciggarrette, now.

The words repeat thmselves in my head as I rush out of the office. I make my way downstairs and search the kitchen frantically for a pack. Even though I haven't touched one since I found out I was expecting, I know damn well that my habit was one of the reasons for what is hapening to my boys right now. I was able to hold off for their sake during my pregnancy, but now that I am no longer sharing my body with them, I feel like a smoke or two will help me cope with the overwhelming anxiety I'm feeling right now. To my dissapointment, I can't find any.

I can still hear the sound of my babies in pain despite the noise of the rain falling hard and the thundering outside. I cover my ears and shut my eyes as my back slides against the wall and I crouch on the floor. I'm completly aware of the hazzards of letting Victor seperate Bo and Vincent, which make it all the more scarier. But I know in my heart that if they survived, thy would be able to live more normal lives. I just want whats best for them.


"Sweetheart, wake up." I faintly hear my husbands voice faintly. My eyes slowly open and I see his face above mine. I realizeI'm in my own bed.

"The boys!" I try to get out of bed, but Victor holds me back gently.

"Theyre alright. I gave them some medication for the pain anf theyre asleep. They made it through."

Tears spill immediately down my face as I hug my beloved tightly. He hugs me back and lets me sob onto his shirt.

"Th-thank y-y-you V-Victor." I manage to choke out.

"Anything for you my love." He kisses my forhead and continues to stroke my hair soothingly. After I finish bawling my eyes out, he takes me to the nursery to see our little ones. Both are sleeping soundly in their crib. My heart breaks at the sight of the bandages wrapped around their small heads, especially on little Vincent, which covers almost all of his face. But I am eternally grateful that they survived.

"Trudy, I don't want to ruin this moment for you, but you have to know, we aren't out of the woods yet. We'll have to wait and see how they do during the next weeks, and we have to make sure to change their dressings and give them medication on a regular basis. Even with the proper care, they might still die. Do you understand?"

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