Caine x gn Reader angst to comfort

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Cw: may be a bit ooc no grammer (cause I'm a lazy/tired goober) may be a bit bland cause I just got back into writing


It was just like any other day
You were going on an adventure with the others to find something for Caine
Just like any other day
It was repeated every single day! You were surprised you haven't snapped yet
But that was until today

You started to stray away from everyone else wanting a break
You sighed slumping against the wall as you sat on the floor tired of everything
It was the same thing every single day and you were tired of it
Nothing was ever new and you had enough
You just sat there continuing to think about how your life will never change
You could almost about to start abstracting before Caine found you
"Woah there!" Caine started to float near you starting to get concerned
"You ok Y/n?" Caine asked looking you directly in the eyes seeming very….Serious?
"If I said I was I would be lying" You muttered sighing again as you put your hands (or whatever you tadc self insert/oc has) on your face trying to hide your misery but Caine could tell
"Let me guess" Caine started to float down to face level still very concerned
"You're miserable and missing your old life?" Caine asked his voice started to seem more serious and less silly and dramatic
"H-how did you know?" You asked seeming a bit shocked he knew
You always thought Caine was delusional and didn't know that you were suffering
"That's the reason why I make these adventures...To stop you and the others of course from going insane" Caine sighed which was rare to see Caine so serious and understanding
"I know…But it's just hard sometimes...It's like..The same thing every single day and I sorta miss my old life" You said looking down for second still very miserable but glad Caine was so understanding "Y/n look at me" He asked which sounded more like a demand as you slowly looked back up again "I care so much for you And even though you don't know it I would be really sad without you" Caine's words seemed very genuine and sincere "really?" You asked seeming very shocked you never truly knew how much Caine cared for You...You always thought that Caine never really cared that much for you out of all people
"Y/n I have to admit something to you" Caine started to trail off seeming a bit embarrassed trying to get the courage to say what he was about to say "Y/n I love you….And not in a friend way…." Caine admitted seeming very serious and slightly embarrassed "C-Caine" You muttered blushing a little as your eyes started to sparkle as Caine nervously waited for a reaction
"I Love you too" You also admitted which made Caine very very happy and excited "I'm glad you feel the same!" Caine said his voice going back to normal silly and dramatic voice
"So pick yourself back up and keep on going!" Caine exclaimed in an encouraging way as his hand moved down to your shoulder
"And remember I love you~"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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