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~Keiji POV~

As we walked in, many of the crackheads start to come out with weapons, almost giving me a flashback when I was in Sannoh Squad and we fought Doubt on the regular.

As they jump over the chain linked fence with barbed wire, I overheard Fujio perfectly describing the view of this:

Fujio: The cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork.

Keiji: Go find your friend, Fujio.

Fujio: And you fight for your wife and child.

Keiji: I plan on it.

Shida: HERE WE GO!!!

We all screamed and started running towards Kidra and when we got close, I speared one, kicked another in the ribs, punched him, and dropkicked one away as I kept running to find more.

Everyone was destroying Kidra, and I saw that Fujio and Satchio were having the time of their lives while fighting. They were hellbent on fighting for their friends as I was too, but mostly for Lala.

I was absolutely merciless towards every member of Kidra and just taking them down one by one.

I did a hurricarana onto one and threw him into another as I wasn't stopping. I was gonna let these Kidra fucks know that if they fuck with me and my family, they fuck with the Deathriders!

As I punched one...

Keiji: That was for my wife!

I took another one down...

Keiji: That was for my son!

Another one was coming towards me, but I immediately speared him, headbutted him, saying...

Keiji: And that was for ME!

A few were coming towards me as I picked up a pipe, threw it at one, and dropkicked one onto the ground and fought the other one until I punched it in the jaw.

I blocked one with its weapon, I kicked him in the gut, tripped him, and then kneed his head before I rolled, tripped another off his knees, and elbowed his forehead, knocking him out.

Another one looked to strike me with a pipe, but I blocked him, took a trash can, threw it to him and I punched him through the trash can before I took the pipe, threw it into the face of one running towards me, as I knocked another one out with a right hook.

It wasn't too long before I felt something hit the top of my forehead as I went down for a bit, I looked up and it turned out that they started throwing rocks at us!

I felt the top of my head, and I saw that I was bleeding, but this time almost like a crimson mask, more deadly than the fights I had in the past. I had to be monitoring myself as I need to make sure I don't bleed to death.

I kept fighting until fatigue started to kick in, making me get beat by multiple people from Kidra.

I really think one of the Kidra fucks cut open an artery on the top of my head because I looked down, and blood was spurting out of my head at a very fast rate.

Nonetheless, I kept fighting by taking down a few more crackheads until I was beaten to a pulp and I really think no one's gonna help me.

All the Kidra bastards started to surround me and I really couldn't fight them all at once. I did many times before, but I'm overwhelmed and I couldn't get help from Sakyo, Fujio, Oya High, Housen, even my own crew!

I thought I was gonna die here as my kid's gonna be fatherless and my wife's not gonna have a husband to care for her.

And then, one of them had to say this while laughing...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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