Your fit for this:

"Of course thats okay with me the more the merrier, but how many are coming?" I reply to him seeing his face light up

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"Of course thats okay with me the more the merrier, but how many are coming?" I reply to him seeing his face light up.

"Probably about seven at a guess could be more could be less" he said as i stood up all packed up from the shoot.

"Okay yeah might go home first and get changed into a dress your more than welcome to come, is it pubs or clubs?" I ask him wanting to get and idea of how to dress

"Probably clubs and ill come with you if you dont mind ive got a change in my bag because i was going to go with tbe lads but ill get changed at yours" he replied to me sounding confident.

"Yeah thats fine lets go" i say to him walking out of the big room and to my car. I get in and he follows me and gets into the passenger seat. "You can use the aux if you want" i tell him handing him the lead, which he takes. I hope his music taste is good.

He puts on 'all of the lights' by kanye west and turns it up "OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THIS SONG" i shout over the loud music as we both start shouting the lyrics.

We finally arrive back at my place and we go in. I go straight to my room as i want to redo my makeup before i go out. I finish my makeup and have just enough time to curl my hair. I slip on a strapless top and some gorgeous white heels which i hadnt wore yet.

"Kk lets go" i say to harry walking out to the living room phone in one hand and £200 cash in the other which i would put in my bra in tbe cab.

Harry had already ordered the taxi and it was waiting outside. We left my apartment and i locked it behind me. We got in the taxi and i did what i needed to (put my miney in my bra) and we set off to the club.

When we got there,there was a huge group which i assume was waiting for us as when we got out of the taxi everyone shouted "HAROLDINIHO" which i had been told was his nickname. We approach the group and im immediately relieved when i see at least one girl and one lad that i know. I walk over to ethan and say my hellos then walk over to the girl. "Hey im Libby" i say pulling the girl into a hug. I never know what to do in situations like this so i dont know if a hug is too much. "Hiya im faith, glad too see another girl here" she said releasing me from the hug.

We all get inside the club and me and faith immediately make our way to the bar to start drinking and start getting to know each other. I get us two shots of tequila each and a vodka coke each. We make our way to a table with our drinks where all the boys are. Ethan stands up and lets me and faith slide into the booth before he sits back down. Me and fsith cheers our shot glasses and throw the liquid down our throat. We do the same with the other shot.

I turn to my left to see who im sat next to other than faith and luckily its harry. "Harry who the fuck are these people" i ask him giggling as i do so.

"Right okay thats chris thats chip or chippo but tonight call him chippo crimes thats lux thats freezy thats arthur and thats theo" he says pointing to everyone as he says their names.

"Ah okay thank you" i reply to him "do you want a drink?" I continue asking him another question.

"Yes can you come with me?" He asks me which gives me butterflies for some strange fucked up reason.

"Yeah course i can" i say i cant be arsed to ask faith and ethan to move so i turn around and luckily theres nobody in the booth behind us so i simply climb over the back of ours and shuffle out the booth.

"Come on mate" i say waiting for harry to do the same. I quickly finish my vodka coke as i wanted to get another drink also. He climbs over the booth and shuffles out just as i did and we make our way to the bar.

"Hello mate ill take a double vodka lemonade and whatever she's drinking please" harry says to the bartender looking over to me.

"Uhm can i have the same as him please?" I say to the bartender.

"Throw in 10 sambuca shots please" harry says to the bartender whom just nods before going off to make the shots.

We return back to the table with the round of shots and mine and harrys drinks. I was quite tipsy already which wasnt a surprise to me i had been drinking more than anyone else here which makes me believe they arent big drinkers.

We all take our shots cheers them and neck them. It doesnt taste great but its going to be a good night.

Me and harry ended up having a competition on who could down their drink the fastest which he won. But only by 0.4 seconds. Thats when the night really begun. Everyone else had started drinking more and more. When i found myself necking a pint against faith. Now me and pints get on great. Me and mixing drinks however, not so much. I beat faith by a long shot i had finished mine by the time she had done 1/4 of the glass.

We all stumble out of the club and onto the wild streets of london. It was still quite early in the night 11pm ish but i party out lateeeee. Like im talking 6am type late. So this is nothing to me.

"LETS GO THERE" i shout pointing to a club that was bursting at the seams while running towards it which in heels isnt very easy. We all make our way into the club and ethan and faith buy a shot and drinks for everyone this time. I do my shot and take my drink and make my way to the dance floor Harry following me like a lost puppy.

Me and him are dancing when i hear shouting from the back of the club.

"50!" One man said

"100!" Another one shouted

"150!" One replied

Harry grabs my arm.
"We are getting in on this come one babe" he said dragging me to follow him.

'Babe' did he just call me babe. I think my stomach just exploded. Thats so cute what the fuck.

We make our way to the back of the club and people are bidding on stuff.
"Harry mate the fuck is this" i say looking him directly into those eyes. Those eyes. I love them.

"Well my friend we are just going to have some fun" he said patting me on the shoulder.

After 20 minutes harry got what he wanted and pulled me to the corner of the club where there was a table. He poured the stuff from the packet out and halfed it.

"Okay what your gonna wanna do is cover one nostril and snort through the other" he said holding my hair back out of my face.

"Harry are you seriously making me do cocain" i say. The fuck is this man thinking.

"Do you trust me?" He says putting those eyes to good use. And yes ive known him for like a day but i trust him with my life.

"Well you only live once" i reply doing exactly what he said to do.

"Yes now" he said doing one of those weird man hand shake before starting to snort his own line.

It feels odd but in a good way. I think i like it.

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