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Dawg parks his car next to a lab and Dawg, Cosmic, Bluey, and Bingo gets out of it.

Dawg: Alright, children. We're here.

Bluey: Woah. . .

Cosmic: Pretty big, huh? You'll get used to it.

Cosmic: So. . . what do you think?

Bluey: It's the first time I've ever seen the insides of a lab!

Cosmic: Heh, most people are. I'm Dawg's assistant. Why else would I be too busy washing the dishes in that conversation while you were hiding behind the green couch?

Bluey: Oh.

Dawg: Bingo, no! The CCTV's not for watching. They're for surveillance! Give the remote back!!!

Cosmic: So. .  about your parents. . .

Bluey: You told me that you would know them way back. Since when?

Cosmic: It was second grade.

Cosmic: Got any more questions?

Bluey: How did you and Camera became friends?

Cosmic: Hey, let me tell you a story of mine.

Cosmic: So, I moved out in here. Cleaning the dishes, mopping the floors. . .

Cosmic: It's kinda boring.

Cosmic: But then I noticed a greyish-purple house next to mine. It's where Camera lives.

Cosmic: I knocked on the door thinking that they're not home since it was in midnight.

Cosmic: Knock knock.

Cosmic: But unexpectedly, I heard a woman's voice.

???: Who's there?

Cosmic: Dishes.

???: Dishes who?

Cosmic: Dishes a very bad joke.

Cosmic: And then, she howls in laughter like it's the best joke she's ever heard in years.

Cosmic: So, I keep them coming. And she keeps laughing. She's the best audience I've ever had.

Cosmic: Of course, she was staying quiet to not wake her kids up. But I understand that.

Cosmic: After a dozen of them, she knocks and says. . .

???: Knock knock.

Cosmic: Who's there?

???: Old lady.

Cosmic: Heh. Old lady who?

???: Oh! I did not know you could yodel.

Cosmic: Needless to say, this women was extremely good.

Cosmic: We kept telling each other's jokes for hours until the sun rises.

Cosmic: But she told me to come by every midnight.

Cosmic: And so I did. And then again. And again.

Cosmic: It's a thing now. Telling bad jokes through the door while others were sleeping.

Cosmic: And then, she gave me this.

Cosmic shows a golden locket to Bluey.

Bluey: Cool! What's that for?

Cosmic: It's used to store a photo or other small items that's memorable to the one who wears it.

Cosmic: Welp, that's all.

Cosmic gets off the chair.

Bluey: Where are you going?

Cosmic: Home. I know the roads in the back of my head so it's no problem walking there.

Cosmic: Snappy might be missing me while I wasn't home or just mad that I wasn't doing any chore for the house.

Cosmic: Take care of yourself and don't do anything destructive here.

Cosmic walks away and the lab doors open.

Cosmic: Cuz someone really cares about you.

Cosmic glances at Bluey behind him and smiles.

Cosmic: . . .Even if separated.

Cosmic steps out of the lab, leaving Bluey confused.

Bluey: What does he mean by that?

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