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Darkness blankets over the sky, small twinkles appearing throughout the dark, some yellow and one flashing red.

"Aeroplane." Craig Tucker mutters, nudging the person beside him, feeling as they rustle in the grass.

"Wonder where they are going.." Stan Marsh responds, sitting up to look at the Inky dark haired boy beside him. Craig side eyes him and then sits up as well.

"Your hair looks like shit." Craig smirks, making Stan punch his arm playfully. Stan then pulls a strand of hair down and inspects the texture.

It feels like straw from how badly bleached it is, each strand feeling more and more dead.

"So, I guess I'll see you in school Marsh." Craig dryly mumbles, looking away from Stan and back at the stars, Stan pats his back and forces a small laugh before getting up and walking down the hill that they were sat upon.

You wouldn't have guessed they just broke up.

Craig stands up and pats himself down, now observing the town lighting up the area surrounding, lighting up the dark trees, hills and mountains.

He bends over and grabs his hat, not bothering to shake the grass off and putting it on top of his dark black hair, letting all the grass fall over his shoulders, before making his way down the hill, the same as Marsh.

He soon returns home, just as he walks in the living room he's questioned by his mother.

"Craig, how did it go? Seems like you had fun." She laughs as she inspects the grass all over his shoulders, picking each strand off one by one whilst he looks in her eyes.

"He broke up with me." He mumbles.


His mother gasps and pulls him into a big hug, not caring if the grass got on her or the floor. Soon his father walks into the living room and pats his back.

"You'll find the one soon son." His dad says, sounding as chirpy as he could, the chirpiness clashing with his deep voice.

"Why do all these people keep breaking up with you on that hill? All cowards, honestly." His mom grumbles.

"At least they are doing it in person Laura, remember how Maria left me?" His dad replies, making Laura scoff.

Craig ever so slightly flinches at his mom's name. Reminding him of a text he received from her a few days ago.

"I'm going to go shower." He says, before pulling away from his mother and walking upstairs before either parent can reply.

Before reaching the shower he clashes with his sister, Trisha.

"Hey masticador de pollas." She says with an evil smirk.

"Did you seriously learn Cock Chewer in Spanish?" Craig rolls his eyes and smiles. Trisha nods and sighs.

"How did it go?" She asks, Craig shrugs and then shoves past her into the bathroom, once inside he pulls his phone up from his pocket and presses on the messenger app, scrolling through each text he received.

Stan Darsh

Can you bring my Tegridy Farms shirt in tomorrow?

Sure. I'll hand it to you at lunch.


Craig sighs and scrolls to the next chat.



Have you changed my name in your contacts yet?


Kyle just told me what happened?????? Wtf dude, you said he was the one?


You keep doing this. Poor fucking Thomas, Marj and now Stan dude.

Wtv. I'll see you tomorrow, are we still on for Tolkien's next week?

Yh. Seeya

Craig rolls his eyes and scrolls once more



Hi bb, how r u, I tried call but Thomas said you weren't home. Luv you.

Craig takes a deep breath through his nose as he begins typing.


Hi mommy, I'm good, how's Carlos? I love you too.

He puts his phone down and begins to take his clothes off for his shower, getting grass on the floor.

He steps in and feels as the hot water starts to cover his body, clashing with the cold burn from the fresh air outside.

Before he can even pick up the soap his phone lights up with a small dinging sound.

He dries one hand and picks it up from the side of the sink.


He good. Luv u bb boy.

Goodnight mommy, I love you.

He puts his phone back down, swallowing back any feelings before grabbing the shampoo and filling his hand with the contents of the bottle.

He finishes in the shower and walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he opens his bedroom door to see Trisha sat on his Xbox.

"Get out." He says, she looks at him and rolls her eyes.

"No. Because 1: You promised me you would, 2: I hate seeing you all mopey and gross and mushy." She says, holding up a controller to him.

He walks over and snatches it from her hand.

"I'm not fucking mushy." He grumbles while she smiles in response.

"Prove it homo, play A Way Out with me, right now." She smirks, smugness covering her entire face.

"Fine, rat." Craig mumbles.

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