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It had been a month since Annie's outburst and Craig can now say he actually has 4 enemies. And those enemies are all Bebe's little group.

"Go to Hell Tucker!" Bebe shouts as she walks past him, he flips her off in response and smiles. He then walks over to Clyde putting books in his locker and bangs the locker door next to it, scaring Clyde.

"You dick!" Clyde exclaims with a big smile, Craig laughs and slumps onto the block of lockers.
"How's it been with Marj." Craig questions, Clyde side-eyes with him with a grin.

"She's great.. I really like her Craig." Clyde says softly, looking up to the ceiling. Craig flicks his side to snap him out of it.
"Alright lover boy, not infront of me." Craig smiles and Clyde rolls his eyes.

"Heh... Gay." Fosse mumbles whilst walking past the two boys, both boys laugh at Fosse and begin to walk away from the lockers, down to the English rooms.

English was luckily one of the lessons that didn't have Craig's exe's in it, the one lesson he could just joke around with Clyde like nothing mattered.
They soon walk in, meeting eyes with the teacher before walking to their seats.

They bribed Mrs. Humblebee into letting them sit next to eachother, she was far too sweet to say no so now they just fuck around all lesson.

"Dude, I got that new emote on Fortnite. Tolkien got really pissed off with me because I kept emoting when we were getting shot." Clyde smiled at Craig as he told his story, whilst Craig nodded along.

"Okay everyone, I've counted around the class and we can make groups of 3, so please assemble a group." Mrs. Humblebee says, in her usual sweet tone with a big bright smile.
Craig and Clyde both look around to spot anyone who can be a third to their duo.

No one.
Of course they knew everyone in the room but due to Craig's hijinks and just general awkwardness with everyone in the class, there was no one to join their group.

Craig made eye contact with Tweek Tweak, sat on his own picking at his skin on his arm. They both stare at one another and Craig pulls a small smile at him before waving.
"Tweek! Come here man!" Craig calls him over.

Tweek's eyes widen and he furrows his brows at the sudden attention, he then stands up and makes his way over to the two friends.

"Wanna work with us?" Clyde questions, Tweek pulls his lips thin and thinks for a minute before sighing and nodding. He pulls a chair out from the table behind him that was once sat on by Maria Sanchez who has now run off to join a group.

Once everyone is sat in their groups, Mrs. Humblebee claps her hands to make them all quiet down.

"Okay everyone, for the next 2 weeks I want your groups of 3 to work on a presentation about anything you want. What I want you to focus on is your descriptive words about said thing you have chose, make sure it has the correct grammar and spelling!" Mrs. Humblebee announces, as soon as she finishes talking the room fills with noise as everyone chatters. The three boys turn to eachother with thoughtful expressions.
Clyde soon opens his mouth.

"What if we did foods we like? Like I'll do tacos and Craig can do... actually what do you like Craig?" Clyde looks at Craig and Craig shrugs in response.

"Probably my mom's Raggmunk." Craig replies, reminiscing on the food his mom makes at home.

"What's a Raggmunk...?" Tweek questions, eyebrow raised. Craig turns to him.

"It's a Swedish dish, kind of like hashbrowns but flatter and crispier I guess. Potato pancakes. My mom makes it because she used to eat it all the time when her Mormor would make it for her." Craig explains, Tweek's eyes go a little wide.

"So you're Swedish?" Tweek questions, both Craig and Clyde look at eachother before Craig turns back to Tweek.

"No, I am not, but lets not get into that.. shit.." Craig mumbles, the boys return back to silence as they ponder on what to do for their project.

"What about.. Animals?" Tweek suggests, Craig and Clyde shrug and nod, they then pull their phones out and start looking at different animals, and many different facts to do with said animals.

There's a knock on the classroom door and Mrs. Humblebee shouts them in and the door swings open to present Marjorine. Craig chokes on his spit before quickly turning back to his stoic expression. Tweek looks at him with a side-eye but soon Marj begins to speak.

"Hiya Miss, I was just wonderin' if you've got some paper, my class is running a lil low." Marjorine says, looking around the class before spotting Clyde and going red.

"Are you two dating?" Tweek whispers to Clyde, Clyde goes red in the face at that question and Craig rolls his eyes.

"Obviously they are. Are you slow?" Craig spits at Tweek, Tweek rolls his eyes in response, twitching a little bit before he turns away from the two.

Clyde hits Craig's side.
Craig shrugs at Clyde and rolls his eyes. Mrs. Humblebee grabs a hefty stack of paper and places it in Marjorine's arms.

"Here you are Leo- Oh. I mean Marjorine, sorry.." Mrs. Humblebee looks at the floor awkwardly as Marjorine smiles.

"It's alrighty miss, I don't mind." Marjorine says, she smiles at both Mrs. Humblebee and Clyde before walking out of the doorway.

"Must be awkward having all your little exes around, huh?" Tweek mumbles, his head twitching before he smiles at Craig.

"Yeah. Yeah shut up Twitch." Craig replies, monotonously, whilst waving his hand at him.
Tweek furrows his eyebrows at the shitty nickname, his face going a little red as he opens his mouth.

"Okay! Right so, ducks." Clyde interrupts, pulling up a photo of a duck and shoving between the two boys.

"Yeah... Ducks." Craig replies, staring at Tweek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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