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Enjoy 💕

Aisha - can I ask you something ( softly )

Veer - ask my love ( softly )

Aisha - how long have you know Lisa

Veer - hmm childhood she was my mom bestfriend daughter ( confused )

Aisha - u both are friends

Veer - yeh we know eachother very well we grow up together but coz of her father business they shift UK now it's the first time she come after years ( sigh )

Aisha - u miss her

Veer - yeh

Aisha - veer I want to meet my dad can I go i miss him ( softly )

Veer - ok if you want i can take u there ( cut of )

Aisha - no I want to stay there for some days

Veer - what but why ( confused )

Aisha - just want to ( teary eyes )

Veer - ok but only  2 days not more ( softly )

Aisha - but veer ( cut of )

Veer - end of discussion ( serious )

Aisha - ok ( whisper )

Veer - good night ( kiss her forehead )

Next day .......

Aisha look 👆

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Aisha look 👆

Veer and Aisha come downstair after getting ready they all set the breakfast table and started to eat their breakfast when veer said

Veer - after breakfast I will take u there

Mrs singh - where ( confused )

Veer - to her house mom she miss her dad so I thaught to leave her there for some days

Mrs singh - she is not going there ( serious )

Veer - why mom ( look at his mom )

Mrs singh - Coz she already stay there whole one month when Mr singhania was not well I don't want anything happens to her in this condition it's not good for her to travel too long ( serious )

Lisa - what condition ( confused )

Veer - she is pregrant ( smile )

Lisa - ohh congrats ( fake smile )

Aisha - but mom just two days ( softly )

Mrs singh - that's final ( left from there )

Aisha look down and a cute pout display on her lips which veer peck it immidietly

Veer - love mom is right she is worried about your health ( kiss her forehead ) I will take u there someday ok not now I am getting late I will go take care and don't skip your meal ( kiss her and left from there leaving a blushing aisha and a angry Lisa behind )

Veer - love mom is right she is worried about your health ( kiss her forehead ) I will take u there someday ok not now I am getting late I will go take care and don't skip your meal ( kiss her and left from there leaving a blushing aisha and a ang...

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I want to share this with you my lovely readers I am happy I meet him

And suggest me what I give him on his birthday which is coming after some days

Lots of love take care stay safe 💕

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