A World Apart

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The difference between views, votes and comments are ufff so I am gonna put target for further chapters like others

Next chapter will be updated when this chapter reaches 60 votes and 30 comments

Jungkook stopped the bike infront of taehyung's house, tae hopped down from the bike holding jungkook's hand and stood infront of Jungkook with a shy smile

"So..." taehyung started, his voice sound shy struggling to find the right words, Jungkook looked at his love with puppy doe eyes not wanting their moment to end

Jungkook raised his hand up, his fingers tracing the outline of taehyung's jaw, Taehyung purred in his touch

"See you tomorrow, pup" he smiled softly patting taehyung's cheek

Jungkook leaned towards tae as he closed the gap, his one hand cupping taehyung's cheek and his other hand gripping his nape and their lips met in a soft goodbye kiss.

With one last lingering look, taehyung turned and walked towards his house, he could feel Jungkook's eyes on him, taehyung chuckled as he looked over his shoulder gesturing him to leave


Jungkook winked at him showing his bunny smile


Jungkook started his bike, he revived his engine as he disappeared down the street failed to hear taehyung's confession

Taehyung watched him go, a smile danced on his lips as he made his way inside the porch

Tae stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his father standing in the balcony. Taehyung could practically feel the anger brewing in his father's eyes, His grip on the railing was so tight his knuckles turned white.

Taehyung fumbled with his house keys, the metal feeling cold and sweaty in his hands. With a deep breath, he pushed the door open, bracing himself for the storm he knew awaited him.

Taehyung hesitently stepped inside the living room, He placed his bag on the table, Stealing a glance at his father who was sitting on the worn leather couch with an angry look on his face.

Mr. Kim's jaw was clenched as he glared at his son

"D-Dad?" Taehyung stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

In a second, Mr. Kim was on his feet. he angrily walked towards him, Taehyung felt his hands shivering at the sight. taehyung stumbled back when a stinging slap sound echoed through the living room.

Taehyung gasped in shock, He froze staring at his father with wide, shocked eyes. His hand flew to his red cheek as he stared at his father in disbelief.

Tae couldn't believe that his dad raised his hand on him...he slapped him ??!!!

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision, but he blinked them back fiercely, refusing to let them fall

Taehyung gulped a lump forming in his throat as his eyes darted towards the screen of his father's mobile phone. It was a video, a short clip playing on loop, and it showed Taehyung's face clearly

Taehyung was with Jungkook, their lips were locked in a deep, passionate kiss, their arms wrapped around each other in front of the entire college.

Taehyung could practically hear the blood thundering in his ears

Mr. Kim shoved the phone screen in Taehyung's face,

"Did I send you to college to do this, Taehyung? Instead of studying, you're out there...whoring around with your boyfriend in front of the entire college?"

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