Longing Hearts

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I asked for 60 votes and you guys gave 85 votes and that's why early update today

Next chapter target is 65 votes and 35 comments....🥰

Taehyung cried until his body gave out, the salty tears soaking a wet patch into his pillow.

Finally taehyung drifted off into deep slumber, in his dream he saw the beautiful mountain where Jungkook had confessed his feelings for tae

He dreamt of holding Jungkook's hand, their fingers intertwined as they walked through a seemingly endless field of wildflowers.

The entire mountain echoed from the sounds of their endless laughters and giggles, light and carefree, as they chased butterflies and whispering "Love you" to each other

Suddenly taehyung frowned when the beautiful sky turned dark, slowly the atmosphere turning gloomy, he panicked when he saw Jungkook standing at the very edge of the mountain

In slow motion, he watched in horror as Jungkook lost his balance and began to fall down from the huge mountain peak. He reached out a desperate hand to help his love, but he couldn't do anything Jungkook's figure grew smaller and smaller, his screams swallowed by the howling wind.

Taehyung jolted awake, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. The room was dark, the only light filtering in from a sliver of moon peeking through the window. He sat up, clutching his pillow, he started to sweat heavily, his heart hammering against his ribs.

A whole week passed, taehyung felt like he was trapped in his own house isolated from his own family. His father hadn't spoken a word to him since their fight.

His house, once a familiar heaven, now felt like a prison to taehyung

Each morning, Taehyung would come out of his room feeling nervous, only to find his father reading the newspaper.

Taehyung would shove food in his mouth, his eyes glued to his plate, avoiding his father's gaze which, when it did land on him, was cold and distant.
He missed his father's laughter, the sound that used to fill the house with life

Taehyung sat by the window, rain lashing against the glass in a sad rhythm, Each drop mirrored the tears he refused to shed, He missed Jungkook with an intensity that made his chest ache

He pressed his forehead against the cool glass, he missed jungkook's laugh, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the warmth of his hand in Taehyung's and his possessive kisses

Tae couldn't even talk to Jungkook, he doesnt know that jungkook was texting him like crazy. Hundreds of texts, misses calls and video calls! But Taehyung couldn't answer, because his dad snatched his phone away and locked his phone in his room

Jungkook was going crazy without seeing his love for a week, A whole week had crawled by since his last conversation with Taehyung and the silence was deafening

He knew Taehyung was scared of his father, and the thought of showing up at his house was out of queston, The last thing he wanted was to do something that might further trouble Taehyung or escalate the situation.

So, Jungkook waited. He waited by his phone, hoping a single text from taehyung, His fingers flew across the screen, texting his love pouring out his worry and love.

Each unanswered text was a punch to the gut, he was scared and nervous Was Taehyung okay?

Things got even worse for Taehyung.  On top of everything else, his dad wouldn't let him go back to college anymore, he was stuck at home, Taehyung felt even more trapped.

Jimin started to worry about his bestie, he never skipped classes, Jimin knew something was wrong.

He tried calling Taehyung, the phone ringing endlessly before going to voicemail.

He sent hundreds of texts, each one unanswered making him even more worried Where was Taehyung? What was going on? Jimin frowned.

Jimin chewed on his bottom lip as he knocked the door, standing infront of taehyung's house door, Jimin shifted his weight from foot to foot feeling nervous

Jimin knew Taehyung's parents were strict, especially his father, they're complete opposite to his own easygoing household, he doesn't visit taehyung's house much except if there is an important project or homework

Taking a deep breath, he knocked again, harder this time, The door creaked open, revealing Mrs Kim's face. Her expression was unreadable, she still tried to be polite infront of jimin

"Jimin" she said, as controlled her anger somewhere inside her heart she also blames jimin because he is taehyung's bestfriend and his might know about taehyung's boyfriend but still he decided to hide about it to them

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh, hi Mrs Kim," Jimin stammered, mentally kicking himself for not rehearsing a proper introduction.

"I, uh, was hoping to see Taehyung? We have a project due soon, and—"

The door got opened wider revealing mr kim but no sign of Taehyung, jimin sighed feeling disappointed

Uh, Mr. Kim, hi. It's about the project Taehyung and I are working on. It's due soon, and I—"

"Taehyung isn't available right now, young man. You can come back later to discuss the project." Mr. Kim said, his voice firm. Jimin gulped, This wasn't going as planned.

"But Mr. Kim, it's important," Jimin pleaded, feeling desperate to see his bestie

"The project is due tomorrow, and I haven't seen tae from so many days. Is everything alright with him?"

Mr. Kim's gaze narrowed. "What are you talking about, Jimin? Taehyung is at home. Of course he's alright, after all, he's with his parents."

"But—" Jimin said but Mr. Kim cut him off abruptly

"You can study together later," Mr. Kim interrupted "There's no need to worry about my son. You should focus on your own homework instead"

"But Mr kim-

Without a word mr kim slammed rhe door shut on his face that left Jimin speechless. He stood there for a moment in shock, he felt humiliated, He clenched his fists at he stared at the door with teary eyes

With a defeated sigh, Jimin turned away. Mr. Kim's words echoed in his head.

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