Love's Stubborn Grip

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Mr. Kim entered the room, the door clicking shut softly behind him, now his anger was calmed down

Taehyung was reading his textbook, flinched at the sound. He looked up, his eyes were red and puffy from silent tears, But after seeing his father, he straightened his back and wiped his tears with the back of his hand trying to act normal infront of him

He desperately wanted to disappear back into the book ⁰because he had already missed a week of college

Mr. Kim stood there for a moment, his gaze lingering on his son's tear-stained face

"Taehyung," he said "We need to talk."

"Y-Yes dad" Taehyung said as he closed his textbook with a soft thud

"About what happened that day" Mr. Kim continued, his gaze unwavering.

"Your behavior... it was unacceptable."

Taehyung looked down as tears started to form in his doe eyes, Mr kim also regretted after slapping his only son

'I... I'm sorry, Tae," his father stammered, "I don't know what got into me when I saw that video."

Taehyung stared at him swallowing the lump on his throat

"It's okay, Dad," he said finally, his voice was barely a whisper "I'm not angry."

"I'm sorry about the slap," Mr. Kim continued, his voice softening a second, "but not for Jungkook. I don't like him, Taehyung. You promise me that you will not see Jungkook again, Then I'll consider letting you go back to college."

A single tear escaped Taehyung's eye, tracing a slow path down his cheek. He wiped it away angrily

"But I love him, Dad!"

Mr. Kim's face hardened, his eyes turning cold.

"You're too young to understand love. This is just a phase, I am not sending you to college until you forget about brat"

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. "But Dad," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion, "I want to go to college. I miss my-

Mr. Kim's face straight void of any expression. "I said no" he said coldly. "Until you understand what's good for you, you'll be staying home"

Taehyung clenched his fists, the textbook crinkling in his grip. "I won't forget him"

Mr. Kim stared at taehyung for a long moment, His jaw clenched, he abruptly stood from the chair and he walked towards the door.

"Stay at home it is better than chasing after some boy from a wealthy family."

With that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him leaving a devasted taehyung behind.

Tears streamed down his face, hot and unchecked. He crumpled back into his chair, burying his face in his arms

All he could think about was Jungkook

"Jungkook, Jungkook," Taehyung whispered, tears falling down from his doe eyes. He clutched the diamond ring on his finger to his chest, holding it close as if it was Jungkook himself.

A choked sob escaped his lips as he imagined holding his love in his embrace

Suddenly, Taehyung frowned as a crumpled piece of paper smacked him right on the head. He wiped his tears feeling startled, and he carefully grabbed the paper.

His frown deepened as he slowly unfolded it with shaky fingers, He read the message on the paper

"Baby it's Jungkook, lock your room's door, I am coming up.

A gasp escaped Taehyung's lips as he read the words again and again. His mind raced with here ??? But what is he doing here ??

With trembling hands, Taehyung stood up from the chair and ran towards the door. He quickly tried to lock the door, his fingers clumsy with excitement,


He quickly locked the door He leaned against the door, his heart pounding in his chest. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as Taehyung walked restlessly back and forth across the room. He clutched the crumpled note tightly in his hand.

Taehyung smiled beautifully when he heard noises from outside the window, his boyfriend is here!

He tiptoed across the room, his eyes glued to the window. he saw Jungkook, pulling himself up from the edge of the window with a grunt



he replied, his voice a husky murmur.

taehyung reached out extending his hand towards his lover, his hand trembling slightly as he grabbed Jungkook's forearm, pulling him up,

Jungkook landed with a soft thud inside the room, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's face.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other as their bodies pressed against each other, lost in a silent conversation.

A week apart had felt like an eternity. They had missed each other with an intensity that words could never express

"Y-You are here ? For me" Taehyung breathed, tracing the outline of Jungkook's jaw with his thumb.

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face in his calloused hands, "I'm here baby"

Jungkook felt his soul coming back to his body after seeing his love's face

Taehyung's grip on Jungkook tightened, taehyung's eyes became teary as he stared at his boyfriend's face

He buried his face in Jungkook's chest, tears soaking the fabric of his shirt.

"T-Take me o-out of here, Jungkook," he pleaded against Jungkook's chest "I c-can't stay here any longer. This house has become a p-prison, and my dad...he's not letting me go to c-college. I feel like I am trapped, s-suffocat-"

Taehyung stopped when Jungkook silenced him with a deep kiss, taehyung closed his eyes, letting himself melt into the warmth of Jungkook's touch. Jungkook's hand slid down to cup Taehyung's waist, pulling him closer.

Jungkook deepened their kiss as they stumbled backwards, taehyung gasped landing on the bed behind him taehyung's back pressed against the soft mattress, Jungkook hovered above him. their lips remained kissing each other passionately

Jungkook trailed kisses down Taehyung's jaw, sending shivers down his spine and taehyung explored Jungkook's neck with his fingers, then he came back to kiss taehyung's lips again

Jungkook pulled back from their kiss and a thin line of spit connecting their lower lips

"Come let's run away from here baby"

Do you think tae will run away with kook ????

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