Seeds of Doubt

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Taehyung widened his eyes in shock after hearing jungkook's words, Jungkook noticed the shock on Taehyung's face and he bursted out laughing

"Relax, love, I was just pulling your leg."
Jungkook chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye.

You shouldn't joke about things like that!" Taehyung pouted, punching Jungkook playfully on the arm

Jungkook winced playfully. "Ow! But seriously, your dad seems to have some serious misconceptions about me, doesn't he?" he said, his voice turning serious. "He probably he thinks that I am not good for you right ?"

Taehyung sighed, nodding his head "He does. He thinks your love for me isn't real, that you're just a... an infatuation

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face in his hands, taehyung leaned into Jungkook's touch "Don't you worry about that love," he said

"Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to your dad. Man to man. I'm going to show him exactly how much I love you, how serious I am about our future. And by the time I'm done, he won't have a single doubt in his mind"

And," Jungkook continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "soon enough, you'll be riding on my bike to college without any fear or hiding. We'll be kissing infront of everyone just like this"

He leaned down capturing taehyung's lips in a delicious kiss, taehyung smiled closing his eyes kissing his lover back.

The next morning, jungkook ran his tattooed fingers through his raven hair a as he stood outside Taehyung's house nervously, he was wearing a black tuxedo

He wasn't used to such formal attire, but he can do anything to prove Mr kim how much he loves his son.

He has spent the entire night rehearsing what he'd say to Taehyung's father. He was holding a box of the finest Korean sweets he could find.

These weren't some average corner store sweets – these were meticulously crafted delicacies, he bought to impress taehyung's dad, the box was wrapped in an expensive packaging.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook straightened his posture, He adjusted his tie, With a final breath, Jungkook pressed the doorbell.

The wait felt like an eternity, The door got opened revealing Taehyung's dad.
a tall man with a stern jawline and a military haircut, stood before him.

Time seemed to slow down as the older man took in Jungkook's appearance. His bushy eyebrows furrowed even further, his gaze traveling from the polished shoes to his tie, A scoff escaped his lips at he looked at Jungkook's richness

his face looked like he is gonna murder Jungkook now.

Jungkook cleared his throat, forcing a smile looking at Mr kim "Hello, sir," he said as he extended the box of sweets towards Taehyung's dad "I'm Jungkook, Taehyung's-"

He trailed off but stopped himself when Taehyung's dad cut him off with his sharp voice "Friend," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, now jungkook is damn sure that Mr kim hates him.

Jungkook swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat as Mr Kim didn't even glance at the sweetbox making jungkook feel embarrassed.

Taking a deep breath, he forced a small smile. "Can we talk inside, sir?" he requested, his voice polite clutching the bouquet of roses which he got for taehyung, tighter to his chest.

Hesitantly, Jungkook peeked through the slightly opened door, hoping to see a glimpse of his lovw – his source of strength and the reason for his visit.

Seeing taehyung would booster his courage, give him the confidence to face taehyung's Hitler of a father But all he saw was a dark, empty hallway that made Jungkook feel disappointed.


Mr. Kim said walking out the house like he slammed the door shut behind him with a bang that echoed through the silence, making Jungkook jump. Mr Kim's eyes were narrowed and lips pressed into a thin line.

"Mr. Kim," he began, his voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in his hands. He locked eyes with the older man, refusing to back down.

"I love Taehyung," He couldn't let this moment, this chance to express his love for Taehyung, slip away. Taking a deep breath, he poured his heart out

"I love him more than anything in this world. And I want to marry him."

"And do you really think, that I will let taehyung marry a rich brat like you? I know how you rich people are. All show off. today you love my son but tomorrow you will find someone better than him and then you will leave him hanging in the middle of nowhere"

Mr kim said Jungkook's face burned with anger, Jungkook clenched his fists, the nails digging into his palms, he wanted to punch him right now but he knows that wouldnt take him anywhere

"Mr. Kim, you. don't. know. me!" he said, each word punctuated by a jab of his finger against his own chest. "You don't have a single clue what I'm made of."

"Taehyung is the most precious person in my life. I would never, ever hurt him" he finished, his voice softening as he spoke about taehyung

"everyone says like that before marriage but after marrying him you will show your true colors when your honeymoon phase gets over"

Jungkook couldn't hold back anymore. He jabbed his finger against his chest, right over his heart

"These feelings, Mr. Kim, they're real. They're not some fleeting thing that will disappear after wedding. I love Taehyung, and that will never change."

Jungkook could see a flicker of softness in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a scoff.

"let me tell you that i have no respect in my eyes for rich people they are characterless and also I think your parents are characterless aswell they birthed a brat like you"

Red embraced in Jungkook's eyes as he heard Mr. Kim insult his dead parents
It wasn't just about him anymore; it was about his family, Mr. Kim's last words echoed in his head

His parents were gone too soon, they were the one untouchable corner of his heart. The disrespect, the sheer audacity of the man.

With an angry growl Jungkook yeeted the sweet box. It went flying across the porch scattering on the ground like a mess

He angrily walked towards mr kim and grabbed him by the collar, the white fabric crumpling in his fist. He towered over the older man. Mr. Kim stumbled slightly, his face contorting in a mix of surprise and dawning fear.

"Don't. You. Dare," Jungkook growled, The veins in his neck throbbed red in anger, the white knuckles tightening on Mr. Kim's collar

"They had more character in their little finger than you do in your entire body."

Mr. Kim's choked gasp turned into a loud cry as Jungkook's grip tightened. The silver ring on Jungkook's finger, a dug into Mr. Kim's flesh, blood started oozing out of his cheek.

Taehyung frowned hearing the commotion outside his house, he got startled when he heard his mother's loud scream, he ran out of the house with his mother his eyes widening in horror as he saw his father sprawled on the ground groaning in pain.

His hand was pressed against his bloody cheek, Jungkook stood over him, his entire body trembling. Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision. His fists were clenched so tightly popping his veins

He hadn't meant to hurt Mr. Kim, not really. He just... he just wanted him to take those cruel words back


What do you think taehyung is gonna do right now ???

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