Misunderstood Gesture

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Taehyung screamed in anger as he walked towards Jungkook with his clenched fist Before Jungkook could even blink, he felt a sharp pain across his left cheek, he realised taehyung had slapped him

He reached up his fingers brushing against the hot skin, he stood frozen as he stared at taehyung with disbelief

He stomped closer to Jungkook, his fists clenched at his sides. He looked at Jungkook angrily "How dare you!" he roared. "How dare you hit MY DAD!"

"Look, baby," He clenched and unclenched his fists, "H-he insulted my parents! My family!" he managed to say while gritting his teeth

But Tae wasn't even listening. His mind was playing The image of Jungkook raising his hand on his dad repeat in his head

Tae saw red, He felt angry at someone first time in his entire life! Taehyung wasn't interested in explanations or justifications. All he saw was the person who hurt his dad

Taehyung glared at Jungkook, "Dad was right, People like you, rich and spoiled, they don't have any manners! They can't respect people!" Taehyung words were like bullets, sharp and stinging. Every insult his father had hurled at Jungkook echoed in his mind, fueling his anger. In that moment,

Taehyung couldn't separate the situation from his dad's words. They all blurred together, painting a picture of Jungkook as the arrogant rich boy who thought he could get away with anything.

"Respect?" he shot back, his voice tight with controlled anger. "I stood up for you, Tae! I stood up for our love in front of my own family! I'm willing to give up everything I have, all the wealth, all the comfort, just to be with you. And this..." he gestured towards Tae's enraged face,

"...this is how you thank me?" His voice cracked slightly on the last word

Jungkook's breath hitched hearing Tae's words. "Why are you leaving your wealth for me?" Taehyung spat, his gaze burning into Jungkook.

"It's not like we're getting married or something." Taehyung laughed bitterly as he rolled his eyes

"You don't love me? The kisses, the promises, and this damn ring – it means nothing to you?" Jungkook said holding taehyung's hand pulling him close.

"Don't you dare twist things, Jungkook," tae said in his sharp voice "Those kisses in the beginning? They were anything but what I wanted. You were... forceful and it was non consensual." The memory of Jungkook pinning him against the wall kissing him till he was breathless, made him clench his fists.

"And promises?" he continued, "Honestly, Jungkook, I can barely remember them and What exactly did I promise you? Huh?"

Finally, taehyung's gaze landed on the ring, the weight of it suddenly unbearable. Taehyung groaned in frustration as he ripped it off his finger and shoved it back into Jungkook's palm

"And this ring, you practically slid this on my finger, Don't act like I had a choice."

"Never dare to show me your face again," he spat angrily, without waiting for Jungkook's response, He spun on his heel walking away from jungkook, the back of his hand wiping away a tear that escaped down his cheek

He didn't dare look back, but his heart screamed at him to turn, to see Jungkook, his first love, but the fear of what he might see - Jungkook's devastated face, he feared he might run into jungkook's arms, that's why he didn't dare to give him a single glance

Taehyung walked towards his house holding his father's hand with his mother

The front door slammed shut right in front of Jungkook's face.

Jungkook didn't move, his gaze locked on the retreating figure of his love, Jungkook felt a lump rise in his throat, a suffocating tightness that made it hard to breathe.

Jungkook stared blankly the diamond ring in his trembling palm, It seemed to mock him, a single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down his cheek, quickly followed by another, and another, Hot tears streamed down his cheeks, blurring the world around him

Sobs wracked his slightly muscular frame, his breath hitching with every choked cry. He sank to his knees, He didn't bother wiping his tears away.

Jungkook stood, his body trembling but his jaw was clenched in anger. He wouldn't let Taehyung's rejection break him. He wiped his tears with a shaky hand, the ring clutched tightly in his fist. This wasn't the end.

He took a shaky breath, staring at the house that now held a stranger within its walls. With a final, lingering glance at his lover's house, Jungkook turned away
He tucked the ring into his pocket

"Never show your face again," Taehyung's words echoed in his head.

Taehyung slammed the door shut behind him, he saw his father standing infront of him and a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

"Well done, Taehyung," Mr. Kim said, reaching out a hand to pat his son's shoulder. "You handled that situation perfectly."

Taehyung didn't respond. He couldn't forget the image of Jungkook, tears glistening on his cheeks, burned behind his eyelids. His father's words, meant as praise, felt like ashes in his mouth

A single tear escaped, tracing a hot path down Taehyung's cheek. He clenched his jaw, willing himself not to break down.

He triedly climbed the staircase. Reaching his room, he flung the door open and practically threw himself onto the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling over and tracing damp trails down his flushed cheeks.

The image of Jungkook's heartbroken expression haunted him

He didn't understand it. Why did the thought of Jungkook leaving his life hurt so much? He'd told himself he didn't love him Suddenly he remembered how he saw jungkook hit his dad mercilessly

Taehyung clenched his teeth in anger as he closed his eyes trying to sleep.

What do you think Jungkook is going to do now ?

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