Hesitant Touch

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Jimin was riding on his rock bison, he ran his hand through his hair as he made his way towards college thinking about his bestfriend

Lately, college just felt...well, boring for him, Ever since his best friend wasn't around anymore, everything felt different and boring.

Suddenly a loud sound startled him. He frowned, realizing something wasn't quite right. The scooty didn't feel as smooth as it usually did. He slowed down, pulling over to the side of the road.

Jimin jumped off his scooty and looked at it with a concerned expression. As he suspected, there was a problem. His front tire was punctured, completely deflated.

Yoongi was riding on the familiar road towards his college on his Harley Davidson bike, suddenly a familiar beauty caught his eyes

Yoongi slowed down his bike staring at the beauty, jimin looked frustrated. a mop of blonde hair falling into his eyes which he continued blew off of his mouth, a small smile tugged on the corner of Yoongi's lips

He stopped his bike a few feet away as he walked towards jimin

"Any problem"

"Yes-" The smile on Jimin's face instantly vanished the moment his eyes met Yoongi's

"No, I don't have any problem mister," Jimin rolled his eyes as he looked away from him, He kicked the punctured tire with a huff, a pout forming on his lips

"Please, Jimin," Yoongi said in his soft tone which he never used for anyone, "I insist. You know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left a beauty like you stranded on the side of the road"

Yoongi said dramatically shaking his head with a sigh, jimin tried to control his laughter while biting his lower lip

Jimin mumbled his reply, his voice barely a whisper. "I guess... my rock bison's tire got punctured" he admitted, his fingers unconsciously tugging at a stray strand of hair, twirling it behind his ear.

Yoongi's smile widened thinking that jimin is opening up to him "Rock Bison, huh? That name doesn't match with your scooter's size," he teased, looking at jimin's tiny yellow scooter, But seeing the slight slump in Jimin's shoulders, his tone softened.

"Dont worry about this" he said "I have a friend named Hoseok who is a mechanic. His shop's just down the next street. I will call him, he will be here in few minutes to fix your tire"

Yoongi pulled out his phone from his pocket, his fingers flying across the screen as he dialed a number.

A few minutes later~

A van screeched to a halt on the side of the road, its arrival signaled by a joyous blast of K-Pop music. The back door flung open, revealing a grinning young man with a mop of brown colored hair – Hoseok, He hopped out, toolbox in hand with a bright sunny smile

"Yoongi! Didn't expect to see you here this early" Hoseok smiled, He slight pushed Yoongi by his shoulder, nearly sending him into a stumble.

"Stop talking and help my friend over there" yoongi said pointing towards jimin who was standing there awkwardly

Hoseok's gaze followed Yoongi's hand, landing on Jimin for the first time. He smirked looking at jimin's tiny frame

"Yoongi never mentioned there'd be such a pretty boy involved well I'm Jung Hoseok, by the way, and what's this pretty boy's name?" He asked extending his tattooed hand

Jimin's cheeks flushed a rosy pink at the unexpected compliment. He mumbled a shy, "I'm Jimin," extending a hand towards Hoseok.

Before their hands could meet, Yoongi with lightning speed, he grabbed Hoseok's arm in a tight grip, pulling him back a step.

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