Rekindled Dream

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Taehyung's bedroom was quiet like usual but this time with a hint of gloomy atmosphere, the only sound was the faint hum of the air conditioner battling the afternoon heat

a lone tear escaped Taehyung's eye, tracing a glistening path down his cheek before landing with a silent plop on the open science textbook sprawled on the bed

The creak of the door hinge was barely a whisper, but it was enough to pull Taehyung from his reverie.

He looked up feeling startled and saw his dad standing in the doorway. He walked inside and slowly sat onto the edge of the bed beside Taehyung, the mattress dipping gently.

"thank god Jungkook showed his true colors before the wedding, i already told that he is not the right person for you and now he proved it too" mr kim smirked

Taehyung's breath hitched, a sob catching in his throat. He felt the fat tears rolling down his cheeks, He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blink away the tears

"Taehyung," his father said, his voice softer now after seeing his tears, he rested his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Look, Taehyung," he said, his hand gesturing towards the deep cut on his cheekbone. "Jungkook hit me yesterday. You saw it happen, didn't you?"

Taehyung gulped as more tears rolled down his cheeks, could only manage a silent nod. The memory of the fight, the memore of jungkook hitting his father played on a loop in his mind.

"And who knows what'll happen after the wedding? He might start hitting you too."

A fresh wave of tears cascaded down his cheeks, hot and silent, Mr kim wrapped his arms around Taehyung in a hug

"Look, Taehyung," he murmured, his voice was soft "This Jungkook, he's just... infatuation. Boys like jungkook are just like passing clouds" He squeezed his son tighter.

"You, on the other hand," he continued, pulling back slightly to look Taehyung in the eye, "you have a passion, a dream. Remember how your eyes used to light up when you talked about becoming a doctor? Saving lives, helping people? Don't let that rich brat, distract you from that."

"Focus on your studies, Taehyung Become the doctor you were always meant to be. And who knows, maybe someday you'll meet someone who deserves your heart, someone who will cherish you and love you with all his heart"

A tense silence descended upon the room, broken only by Taehyung's choked sobs

"Look, Taehyung, after seeing what you did with Jungkook, I realized that you are not into jungkook anymore" Taehyung sniffled, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his shirt, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy.

"So," Mr kim continued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "how about you pack your bags and go to college from tomorrow my strong baby?"

"College?" Tae whispered, he cried hugging his father back, Mr. Kim tightened his grip, pulling Taehyung into a hug with a relieved smile on his face as he patted Taehyung's shoulder.

After finishing college, Jimin pushed open the door of Hoseok's mechanic shop with sigh escaping his lips.

Jimin spotted Hoseok immediately, his best friend covered in grease up to his elbows

"Jimin ssi" he heard a loud and cheerful voice of Hoseok with a biggest sunshine smile on his face

"Hello hoseok ssi" Jimin mumbled, dragging his feet across the oil-stained floor.

"How is my rock bison ?"

"Your rock bison is totally fine now!"

Hoseok said Jimin's eyes darted towards the corner of the shop where his rock bison gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lights

"how much does it cost to fix?" Jimin asked walking towards his rock bison

Hoseok simply winked at him "Don't worry about it Jimin, yoongi already paid money to fix your rock bison" He reached out to pat Jimin on the shoulder, but Jimin flinched away.

"No, wait a minute," Jimin said, his voice laced with a sudden anger. "Why would Yoongi pay for me? Tell me how much it costs, Hoseok!" He glared at his the mechanic

"It's just a simple tire puncture repair so it costed 1000 won" hoseok said avoiding jimin's eyes

"Wait a minute," Jimin said, his voice laced with suspicion. "This morning you mentioned internal damage to the bike parts. A simple tire puncture wouldn't be this cheap, would it?"

Jimin angrily walked towards another mechanic, "Excuse me," Jimin said "This morning, Hoseok mentioned there might be internal damage to my scooter. Can you tell me how much it would cost to repair something like that?"

"Well, the cost can vary depending on the severity of the damage. But for internal parts, it might be 40,000 won."

Jimin grabbed his wallet from his pocket angrily, Pulling out his credit card, he slammed it down on the counter next to the bill making hoseok flinch at the sound

"Here," he said glaring at hoseok "Just take your money."

Swiping the card through the machine, Jimin barely noticed the receipt printing. He snatched his helmet off the counter and stormed out of the shop with his rock bison

Hoseok giggled in happiness looking at his computer's screen, he got extra money today without doing anything

he slowly walked towards the center of the shop with a big grin

"Guys....drinks are on me today"

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