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winwin carefully removed his glasses, placing them on the small nightstand next to his bed. his day had been crazy tiring, after a long day of school and studying, a good and long sleep was all that winwin needed. he turned around to his comfortable side as he snuggled close to his pillow, breathing in the comforting smell. after a few minutes, winwin was fast asleep, dreaming about sheeps and whatnot until a certain sound woke him awake.

it was the sound of his phone chiming like crazy. not being a heavy sleeper by nature, the notification sounds woke winwin up immediately, hell, who wouldn't even wake up to constant spamming? he sighed heavily and just tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. it was after the vibrations hadn't stopped for a while that winwin decided to check his phone.

he rubbed his eyes tiredly with a yawn and reached for his glasses, which was a hard mission for the half asleep boy. a few seconds of struggle later, winwin put his glasses on and hurridly reached for his phone. he pulled the phone back with a squint as the phone's bright screen woke him up completely.









winwin's eyes flickered to his phone screen, seeing that the message was from jaemin brought a small wave of relief over him, however, his biggest question was, why was jaemin suddenly flooding his inbox in the middle of the night? with a sigh, winwin shifted in his seat, he just wanted to sleep but he also couldn't ignore his best friend.


what's wrong nana?





can u pretty please help me :3

winwin's brows furrowed in confusion as he read jaemin's message. So, that was the reason behind the late-night barrage of texts. jaemin had forgotten about the art project. it wasn't entirely surprising, considering it was jaemin. but still, it was a bit frustrating to be dragged into it at this hour.

a sigh escaped winwin's lips as he weighed his options. on one hand, he could ignore jaemin's plea for help and get some much-needed rest. on the other hand, he couldn't shake off the feeling of obligation to his best friend. after all, they had been through a lot of things together, and winwin couldn't bear to leave jaemin hanging, as much as he despised it.

winwin shut his phone and quickly gathered his belongings, mentally preparing himself for the hours of jaemin whining, crying and having a mental breakdown. the wind blew on him, pushing his soft blonde bangs to the side, the light that shone on him enhancing his features as he biked to jaemin's.

upon arriving at jaemin's doorstep, winwin was greeted with a heavy hug from his latter "thank you, thank you, thank you sicheng!"

he quickly backed off while rubbing his forehead as winwin had flicked it. "you owe me one nana!"

the two boys quickly jogged up the stairs where stacks of material and scattered papers covered every surface. "we need to make an invention that shows feelings or something like that" jaemin shrugged as he sat down on the floor, next to his table.

"right" winwin nodded, taking a seat beside jaemin. "seems like we have a lot to do then"

for the next few hours, winwin and jaemin immersed themselves in their work, bouncing ideas off each other and sketching furiously. despite the late hour and situation, they still joked around with each other.

as the first rays of dawn began to peek through the window, winwin and jaemin exchanged tired but satisfied smiles. they had done it. a perfect art work. winwin was sure this would get his friend at least a 10.

"winwin thank you so much, my mom would kill me if i failed another class"

"you could've just asked jeno" winwin rolled his eyes playfully.

"but i prefer you" jaemin hit winwin's shoulder, returning the same playful attitude.

with a shared laugh, winwin and jaemin collapsed onto the floor, exhaustion finally catching up to them. as they drifted off to sleep, winwin couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these. it made their friendship stronger and his bestfriend wouldn't fail his class now.

𝗕𝗘𝗧, yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now