A Distracting Notification

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Mrs. Kim sighed, pushing open the door to Taehyung's room with a gentle creak, with a mop and a bucket of water to clean taehyung's bedroom

She began her usual routine, picking up clothes thrown on a chair. Her eyes fell on something unexpected by the window. Two rose bouquets, one was red and the other one was yellow roses,

they were on taehyung's study table. There were also a box of chocolates, wrapped in an red ribbon. There was also a hand drawn card, clearly made with love.

Tae, my love, I know you are angry with me baby, I accept I did a big mistake by hurting Mr kim and I will apologise for it by kneeling infront of your family but you know why I hurt him love ??? Your father humiliated my dead parents, I am extremely sorry for that, I hope you will forgive me love and please call me...I miss you so much pup and I love you

Mrs. Kim clenched her jaws as she walked out of Taehyung's room, clutching the card tightly in her hand.

She saw Mr. Kim in the living room watching tv, she thrust the card at him, her face looked angry. Mr Kim read the message with a growing frown

Mr. Kim finished reading the card, his lips pressed into a thin line

"If this happens again and again, taehyung will surely fall deeper in that boy's love, I need to do something before it goes too far"

Mr kim stood up from the couch as he made his way towards taehyung's bedroom, Mrs. Kim trailing anxiously behind her husband, they Bursted through the door

Mr. Kim found the two flower bouquets and the chocolates on the table Without a word, he scooped them up and he walked out of the bedroom after locking the window

While he was walking awat from yoongi, he felt his phone Taehyung buzzed in his pocket, He pulled it out seeing a message notification, It was from his mother : Tae "Come home by bus today Something happened in home"

He shoved his phone back in his pocket, With a desperate glance around, he spotted the familiar blue and white sign across the street - the bus station. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards it, His heart pounding in his chest.

Yoongi sighed looking away from taehyung's retreating figure

"Tae is going alone....but where is jimin ?"

Yoongi panicked as he rushed inside the college building, he bolted his way towards the juniors department, he ignored some of his friends calling for him

He barged inside the empty classroom and he saw his crush sitting on his seat crying softly

Yoongi's breath caught in his throat seeing jimin's small frame trembled with silent sobs, his shoulders heaving with each choked breath. Jimin's hands covered his face, muffling the sounds of his tears

Yoongi walked towards his love and he sat beside him, Yoongi lowered himself carefully beside Jimin, his voice barely a whisper when he spoke. "Jimin, hey... what happened?"

Yoongi hesitated for a second and he rested his hand just above Jimin's shaking shoulder, a choked sob escaped jimin's lips

He slowly lifted his tear-streaked face, his eyes red-rimmed and overflowing with unshed tears. Yoongi's heart ached at the sight

"Cry jimin, l-let everything out of your heart, I am here for you, you have my s-shoulder to lean on"

Yoongi's soft voice washed over Jimin like a soothing balm, He felt a dam break within him, the tears flowing freely now, he wrapped his arms around yoongi as he rested his head on yoongi's broad chest, Yoongi hugged his love back, he softly patted small of jimin's back

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