A Deal With the Devil

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Suddenly, a whole new page popped up! It wasn't part of the college website anymore. It was like a different place on the internet altogether.

A single line of text screamed at him from the center of the screen: "Lone Wolves Run by JK: Discretion Guaranteed."

he scrolled down the web page while biting his lower lip the website. "Academic Assistance (Guaranteed A's)," "Personal Problem Solvers" "Need Someone Taught a Lesson? We Deliver"

As he scrolled down, a service titled "The Ultimate Payback [ GET REVENGE FROM YOUR ENEMIES ] " caught his eyes

Taehyung clenched his jaws in anger as Memories of his father's pained face flashed in his mind, the pain Jungkook had caused

He gripped his phone so tightly as he glared towards the phone's screen, a low growl escaping his pink lips

Without a second thought, he tapped on a newly saved number: "JK hyung" 

As the call connected, his heart pounded in hia chest, He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the conversation to come

A plume of acrid smoke curled towards the ceiling of Jungkook's room, jungkook was leaning on the headboard of his bed, his gaze fixed on the wall, where Taehyung's beautiful photo was hung

He stared at the photo, a cigarette dangling from his lips

Suddenly, his phone vibrated on the desk, He glanced at the screen, his breath catching in his throat he widened his tear-filled eyes as he saw the number flashing on the screen

It was taehyung's number

That too he called in his business phone not on his personal number

He fumbled with the phone, his fingers shaking slightly.  With a deep breath, he tapped "accept," his heart hammering against his ribs. 

He forced his voice a few octaves lower, a gruff anonymity replacing his usual warm tones so that taehyung wouldn't recognize bus voice.

"Lone Wolves. Leader speaking."

"H-Hello... J-Jk hyung? I am Kim Taehyung."

The single tear that escaped Jungkook's eye traced a wet path down his cheek, hearing his love's voice after so many days

"Yes, what can I do for you? K-Kim taehyung" He tried to sound professional.

A heavy silence descended upon the call. Jungkook held his breath, his mind racing.

"I want you to beat a boy black and blue," Taehyung spat "I want you to beat him until he doesn't recognize his own face. His name is Jeon Jungkook. He's my bully in college."

Jungkook flinched on the other end of the line, A sharp pang of pain shot through his heart, He swallowed hard, the metallic taste of blood suddenly filling his mouth, he gripped his hair anxiously

Jungkook flinched on the other end of the line, A sharp pang of pain shot through his heart, He swallowed hard, the metallic taste of blood suddenly filling his mouth, he gripped his hair anxiously

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"W-What did he do?" Jungkook forced the words out, his voice barely a whisper. 

"He harassed me and touched me inappropriately Without my concent"
Taehyung continued, his voice devoid of emotion

A choked sob escaped Jungkook's lips, a sound he desperately tried to muffle with the palm of his hand so taehyung doesn't hear his painful cries from the other side

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He slumped against the wall feeling devastated

"O-Okay," he rasped, the word catching in his throat "S-Send me his photo.  Your work will be... done." He could barely force the words out

"Thanks," Taehyung said "How much money should I send you?"

Jungkook squeezed his eyes even tighter, the internal battle raging within him.  "It's okay," he managed, his voice barely a whisper. 

Taehyung frowned when JK hyung suddenly ended the call, the silence in his room suddenly heavy. He stared at his phone, He had gotten what he wanted – someone to teach Jungkook a lesson

But still his heart was not at peace, deep inside he was scared of something bad happening to jungkook.

Wiping a stray tear that escaped down his cheek with the back of his hand, Taehyung replayed the conversation in his mind. 

The phone slipped from Jungkook's numb fingers, falling on the floor with a thud, he felt weight of the world on his shoulders, He buried his face in his hands

Taehyung's words echoed in his head, 

"He harassed me... touched me inappropriately."

The romantic touches he thought were expressions of his love were nothing more than harassment in Taehyung's eyes. 

Jungkook felt like he couldn't breathe. he stumbled falling on his knees, a choked sob escaping his lips. His trembling hands grabbed his hair, pulling roughly as if trying to tear the taehyung's heart breaking words out by the roots.

Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision as he crumpled onto the floor.  He curled onto his side, burying his face in the floor, He pounded his fist against the floor.

As the night deepened, Jungkook remained on the cold floor, his cries eventually subsiding into a quiet sniffle

Sleep, a fragile escape, finally claimed him. But even in his dreams, the memory of Taehyung's voice, filled with pain and accusation haunted him, his dreams were a nightmarish collage of regret and rejection.

When morning finally arrived, painting the room with a pale light, Jungkook awoke with a groan, His body ached from the previous night's emotional turmoil, but the pain was a mere shadow compared to the desolation that settled in his heart

Suddenly tears formed in his eyes remembering

Taehyung, the one person he loved about most, the one person he'd poured his heart out to hame him happy, saw his touches as harassment

A choked laugh, laced with a bitter edge, escaped his lips.  Had it all been a lie then?  The stolen glances, the lingering touches, the way his heart skipped a beat whenever Taehyung was near, they way taehyung used to initiate their kiss....had it all been one-sided, a cruel joke played on him by his own desires?

What do you think jungkook is going to do next ???

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