The Price of Love

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Yoongi sighed feeling worried about Jungkook, he had vanished from college for days, his phone going straight to voicemail.

Unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong, Yoongi gathered some of their friends, yugyeom, mark, eunwoo and Lee know and headed straight for Jungkook's mansion.

Jungkook's mansion was huge and quiet, Yoongi walked towards jungkook's room and saw it was locked, he pounded on the heavy oak door with his fist, Minutes ticked by, each one stretching into an eternity. Just when he was about to give up and try phoning the security guards who might have a spare key, the sound of shuffling reached their ears.

the heavy door creaked open, revealing Jungkook's tear stained face, He looked like a ghost – hair dishevelled, eyes red-rimmed and puffy, This wasn't the vibrant, playful Jungkook they all knew.

Jungkook looked broken

"Jungkook," he said, his voice laced with concern. "There you are. We were worried sick. Why haven't you been at college?"

Jungkook stared at them for a long moment Then, a single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down his cheek. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. He looked like a shattered porcelain doll, fragile and broken.

"Hey," he said softly, "tell me what's happening with you ? Dont you dare hide anything from me, Talk to us, man. We're your friends."

With a choked sob, Jungkook crumpled into Yoongi's embrace, burying his face in his hyung's shoulder. The tears finally flowed freely, soaking through Yoongi's shirt

Jungkook cried saying everything to them, his other friends gathered around them, offering silent support.

"Was my love that fragile, hyung? Taehyung... he called it harassment. I love him so much, I don't know what to do."

Yoongi held him tight, Jungkook clung to him, burying his face in Yoongi's shoulder, He rubbed circles on Jungkook's back

Jungkook hiccuped pulling himself back from Yoongi's embrace

"I've decided," Jungkook said, his voice hoarse but firm. "I'm going to do what Taehyung said."

Yoongi's brow furrowed. He didn't like the sound of that.  "What did he say?" he asked cautiously, a pit of unease forming in his stomach.

"He... h-he asked me to beat myself up until i dont recognize my own face" Jungkook admitted, his voice barely a whisper " I love him so much, I just... wanted him to feel the same, did i bully him ????? DID I FUCKING BULLY HIM!" Jungkook cried out loud.

Yoongi's brow furrowed, he felt at Jungkook's decision "Are you crazy, Jungkook?" he snapped. "You ain't gonna do anything like that! Taehyung's probably just angry and lashing out. You can't hurt yourself just because—"

"YES, I AM CRAZY!" he shouted. "Crazily in love with Taehyung! I don't care what he says, I'll do it! This is nothing! If he says jump, I'll jump off a cliff, if he says crawl through fire, I'll do it without even thinking for a second"

"Jungkook, no!" Yoongi said holding jungkook's shoulder "You are not in your right mind"

Yoongi's jaw clenched tight.  He understood Jungkook's blind devotion to Taehyung but how Jungkook is behaving is not right, it's not what people do in love

But Jungkook ignored him His eyes darted around the room, landing on his friends who stood there, "I'm going to the basement," he said with a straight face "You guys know what to do"

Yoongi felt frustrated as Jungkook turned back walking away from them He came forward, grabbing the younger boy's shoulders in a tight grip "No, you can't, Jungkook!" he insisted "This isn't right! It'll only make things worse, for you and for Taehyung"

Jungkook spun around, his face contorted with anger, He shoved Yoongi's hands away from his shoulders

"I don't want your help, Yoongi!" he spat, his voice raw with emotion. "Go away from here.  I'm going to do what I want. You're not my parent, so don't care about me!"

"So you don't care about your friends and their words, right?" Yoongi spat, his voice laced with a harshness he rarely used.  "Fine, okay. Go ahead! Do whatever you want to do!  Just know this," he continued, his voice dropping to a low growl.

"The consequences of your actions won't just affect you.  They'll affect all of us, Taehyung included."

He turned away, the anger slowly changing into sadness. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision, As he walked away, his heavy footsteps echoing in the opulent silence.

The basement was completely opposite living space above. Cold, concrete walls surrounded Jungkook, the only light filtering in from a single, bare bulb hanging from the ceiling

"Alright, guys," he said  "I told you what to do! Hit me. Punch me. Do whatever it takes to make me feel the pain I inflicted on Taehyung."

His friends exchanged hesitant glances not knowing what to do!

"COME ON!" he yelled, "Don't you get it? I deserve this! I made Taehyung feel uncomfortable with my TOUCHES, i HARASSED him and now he wants revenge. So do it! Beat it out of me!"

"Jungkook, this is crazy, We're not going to hurt you."  Eunwoo said softly

"Don't tell me what to do!" Jungkook roared back, his voice cracking on the edge of hysteria.  "I deserve it! I deserve it!  Just do it!"  He pointed a finger at his friends, his eyes blazing with a manic energy.

One of his friends came forward to punch Jungkook's face, his fist connected with Jungkook's jaw with a sickening crunch

Jungkook stumbled back, a metallic taste of blood filling his mouth. Before he could regain himself, another fist slammed into his cheek, the force sending him sprawling.

He landed hard on the concrete, the air knocked out of his lungs.


He groaned when a knee connected with his stomach, the breath whooshing out of him in a strangled cry. Blood, red and sticky, dribbled down his chin, mingling with the metallic taste in his mouth.

Through blurry eyes, he saw their boots connecting with his ribs, each impact stealing the air from his lungs

He rolled onto his side, coughing weakly, blood spraying onto the dirty pavement.

He felt numerous kick to his stomach and harsh punches on his face the Darkness crept at the edges of his vision, pulling him under. his body going limp on the floor

The silence of the basement broken only by the ragged gasps of his friends and the slow, steady thud of his own fading heartbeat..

Do you think jk made a right decision to prove his love to taehyung?

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