The Haunting Truth

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The next day Jimin pushed open the college doors making his way inside, a heavy sigh escaped his lips as he walked towards his first class

his parents literally forced him to go to the college saying that one day is enough for rest

he didn't want to face taehyung right now especially after their big fight, The memory of Taehyung's harsh words was still raw, but as part of him still wanted to talk to taehyung and go back how they used to be..

Jimin walked the empty classroom door, He was a little early today, he stopped seeing a small mountain of his favorite chocolates and snacks, a few pack of chips, gummies, and candy bars, A 'Sorry" handmade card

"Jimin," he heard a familiar voice of his bestfriend, He stole a glance and saw Taehyung standing awkwardly beside him, his fingers were holding his earlobes

"I am sorry, best friend," Taehyung mumbled, his voice barely a whisper, jimin just looked away from him.

Seeing Jimin's reaction, taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, tears welling up. "I am the worst friend ever, Jimin!" he cried out, his voice cracking.

"Please forgive me, Chim! I promise I'll never yell like that again"

Jimin sighed and he softly held Taehyung's shoulder and made him sit on the chair, he hesitently wrapped his arms around Taehyung, pulling him into a hug.

"It's okay, Tae. I was not angry at you but kinda sad that you yelled at me without giving me a proper reason"

A shaky breath escaped Taehyung as he pulled away from the hug, taking a deep breath, he looked at jimin

"I- I will tell you everything chim" Taehyung said wiping his eyes on the back of his hand.

Jimin listened intently as Taehyung poured his heart out in their conversation

Jimin listened by the end of Taehyung's confessing jimin was so shocked. "Did Jungkook really do that?" he asked widening his eyes, his voice barely a whisper.

Taehyung nodded his head while sniffling

"Wow" Jimin finally breathed, more to himself than Taehyung. he squeezed Taehyung's shoulder gently.

"You are so strong, Tae," he said "It took a lot of courage to slap a boy like jungkook"

A weak chuckle escaped Taehyung's lips as he shook his head suddenly The classroom door got harshly opened making taehyung flinch, yoongi was standing there, His gaze fell on Taehyung, who wiped a stray tear from his eye looking at yoongi

"Woah," Yoongi said, his words dripping with venom. "Laughing and celebrating victory, huh?" He took a step forward, his angry red eyes never leaving Taehyung.

"While my friend," yoongi paused for awhile "is fighting for his life... because of you!"

Taehyung could only stare at yoongi because he couldn't understand anything!

"You think this is some kind of joke, Taehyung? You put Jungkook in the hospital, and all you can do is sit here and laugh?"

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, his mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air, but no words came out

Jimin, sensing the tension between them, he stepped forward, he hesitantly placed a hand on Yoongi's arm. "calm down, Yoongi" But Yoongi wasn't ready to listen. He brushed Jimin's hand away

"W-What did I d-do?" Taehyung stammered, his mind clouded in confusion

Yoongi's face hardened, he clenched his fists in after after seeing taehyung playing innocent infront of him

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