A Letter Filled with Love and Pain

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Yoongi's roar echoed through the empty classroom

"JK hyung is Jeon Jungkook himself!" he roared, his voice laced with a raw pain that sent shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"The guy who loves you to death!"

Taehyung's breath hitched. The blood drained from his face, leaving him a pale like a ghost

"J-Jungkook is j-jk hyung?" Taehyung stammered, his voice barely a whisper

"The same Jungkook you wanted to get beaten up black and blue! And now you got what you wanted 'what'? Happy now?" His question dripped with sarcasm

Yoongi wasn't finished. He leaned in "Jungkook loves you that much," he repeated, his voice laced with a raw pain that mirrored Taehyung's own.

"He asked his friends to hit him mercilessly... just because you wanted it, DAMN IT!"

Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over him. The image of Jungkook's bruised and bloody face, the echo of his screams, threatened to consume him.

"I'm so sorry," he rasped, the words barely audible. "I never meant for this to happen. I- I just wanted to get revenge because he hit my dad"

He said in his low voice, Tears streamed down his face, blurring the already horrifying image of the video in his mind.

Yoongi stared at him "Revenge?" he echoed, his voice low and dangerous "over a stupid one-sided story? Did you even hear Jungkook's side? His story?"

Shame burned hotter than ever in Taehyung's chest. He shook his head mutely, his head hanging low

"N-No" he mumbled Tears falling from his eyes like a waterfall

"And guess what?" Yoongi continued "Even after all that, even after getting beaten up by his friends first thing Jungkook asked if you will forgive him after this or not!"

Taehyung felt his world spinning hearing Yoongi's words, he felt like dying.


He gripped his hair, tugging at the strands as if trying to pull the confusion out of his head.

yoongi knelt infront of taehyung
"Ask to your parents for answers" yoongi said sternly and taehyung looked at him with his teary eyes

Taehyung stammered, "M-My p-parents," his breath catching in his throat.

Yoongi nodded his head "They will tell you everything," he said his voice was softer this time "if they love you truly"

Without a word taehyung stood up on his feet, he ran towards his desk while wiping his tears, his movements jerky and fueled by a desperate need for answers.

He shoved notebooks and pen into his bag, not bothering to zip it shut properly.
He gripped his bag straps tightly, knuckles turning white as Taehyung practically ran out the door.

The familiar halls of the school blurred as he raced towards the exit, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs

Mrs kim walked inside taehyung's room carrying a broom stick to clean his room, she frowned seeing taehyung sitting on the corner of his room leaning his back against the wall, clutching his phone tightly on his hand

She walked towards her son and she slowly knelt infront of him

"Taehyung-ah," she spoke softly, her voice laced with worry. "What's wrong? Why are you sitting here?"

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