Arthur X Charles

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Staring for a little too long.
Arthur and Charles were sitting on a log together in silence as the only source of light in the dimly lit camp was the camp fire. Just the occasional sounds from the distant wilderness or wind.
Charles sat with one leg bent up and the other stretched out, his left arm resting on top of his knee and staring into the fire, while Arthur could not help but glance over at Charles.

The majority of the gang members had fallen asleep by this point, and the moon shone above, partially obscured by clouds. A spark emerged in Arthur's eye, focusing on Charles's features and softly parting his lips;
Charles was unaware of this, as his attention was now more on the fire, which was crackling softly. Arthur had a bad habit of spending a lot of time staring at someone he liked, which usually led to him being caught. He knew that most people would notice, though.

For a bit, at least, they were able to relax and spend time together without having to worry about going out and robbing, killing, and stealing. The silence was soothing and tranquil for them both.
That is, until Charles moved a little and at last saw Arthur staring. He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Arthur, looking confused. Arthur saw this right away, and his eyes widened slightly in embarrassment and surprise, not knowing what to do.

"Do I have something on my face?" In a low voice, Charles expressed his incomprehension and curiosity about Arthur's intense stare, pointing to his face as he spoke. Arthur silently sat there, staring awkwardly at Charles, then nodding and clearing his throat as he tried to think of something to say.
"Oh, yeah...just a bug. Let me get that for you." Arthur smiled softly at Charles, masking his nervousness with a smile, and the other man simply smiled back.
Arthur simply wanted to touch Charles' cheek for a brief moment, so he reached out and pretended to be wiping something off of it, even though there was nothing there.

Despite their strong bond, positive relationship, and the way they treated each other, Charles and Arthur both had slight blushes on their cheeks but were unaware of their feelings for one another.
They both had butterflies in their stomachs whenever they were around each other; it was a feeling they could not quite put their finger on but still loved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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