chapter 53

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Nhu's pov

I was making breakfast at the time hia called.

Now its almost time for me to leave for college.. 'why did he say that he would come..but then didn't?'

I wanted to call him and ask where he is. But I just couldn't reach him somehow.
I just ate my breakfast and went out to nat's dorm

Me and nat walked together to college

we were walking down a quiet street which mostly was a bit crowded..I had a strange feeling.. it's like.. an uneasy feeling. But I didn't See anything suspicious.

I looked around like a couple of times just to make sure but I found nothing.

''What are you doing jelly?'' Nat asked me

''Wel i have a weird feeling. it's too quiet here and we're like the only one's who are walking here.. there aren't many people today..'' I said making him also look around

''True. It is too quiet but Don't worry to much!'' Nat said as he put his arm around my shoulder

''I don't like the peacefulness here.. it's weird'' I said causing him to chuckle

''We're almost there don't worry jelly'' he said again making me sigh

After walking for like 5 min we made it to college and that feeling stopped making me sigh in relief

''I still can't reach zee on the phone.. I'm getting a bit worried. He said that he would be with nick today and that max would also be there to stop things from happening you know.. but I'm stil a little bit unsure'' I said to nat making him smile softly

''You are too worried today.. are you feeling alright?'' He asked as he gave me a gentle hug making me hug back

''I'm alright.. but it's just a weird day.'' I said making him pul out the hug and look at me

''Okay.. let's go. Maybe we'll see Max inside or maybe even Zee '' he said as he place his hands on my shoulders pushing me to walk

We walked inside and everywhere was quiet. It made me uneasy again but this time nat was also a little bit uncomfortable he hugged my arm a little making me smile a little bit happy to have atleast someone next to me and most cuz he's my bestfriend

''Did yim text you or anything?'' I whispered

''No he didn't.. '' he whispered back

''Where would he be..'' I whispered again

''He should be on his way..'' he whispered

We walked to the canteen and sat by  one of the tables

''How much time do we have left for first clas?'' I whispered a little louder now

''About 10 min. but.. why are we whispering??'' He said the last sentence in a loud tone

''I don't know..'' I said making both of us laugh

We saw yim also looking around like why is it so silent

''Yim!'' Nat shouted making him flinch

''You scared me..'' yim said as he placed his hand on his chest and sighed

''Its too quiet here..'' yim said as he walked toward us

''I know!!'' Nat replied

''But why'' I asked

''I don't know.. but what I do know is that we should get to class '' yim said

So we got up and went to class. That's when when we saw people show up everyone was going to their other classes and it wasn't so quiet anymore. But I stil haven't seen hia.

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