The Entrance Exam (Pt.2)

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I ran into the gates, my heart pounding and my adrenaline beginning to pour through me.

I ran to an area people avoided and began to fight the smaller bots there. Scaling their metal bodies, my claws tearing through their weak joints with ease.

I dodged and climbed buildings to avoid the bots I knew I couldn't take on. After a while, things were going smoothly until I heard a deafening explosion. A rough rumble could be felt in the ground, so I climbed up a building to get a good view of whatever was happening.

I get to the top of the building, my arms now sore. I couldn't see over the building, but I didn't have to. A massive robot was wreaking havoc in the small streets of the makeshift city where we were fighting. Debris and glass were being thrown about, so I ran in to see if anyone needed help. Instantly I saw a girl who needed help her leg looked pretty seriously hurt. I take the sweatshirt I wrapped around my waist and rip the sleeve off, using it as a tourniquet. 

"Hey, can you get on my back?" I ask, trying to help her get up.

"I think so.." she says in a breathy tone.

I eventually got her onto my back, put her in a spot where she wouldn't get further injury, and continued running in to help people. After what seemed like forever, the buzzer sounded, and the giant robot stopped its movement completely.

I hunch over exhausted, I struggle to catch my breath and feel a hand on my back. I shoot up and whip around to see who touched me. To my displeasure, it's the guy who was trying to hit on me earlier.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell, upset with the brown-haired douchebag.

"Oh, come on sweet thing. I'm just trying to make sure you're okay," He said, a smug look on his face.

I didn't believe anything he said, not one bit.

"You know what, go pick on a girl who might put up with your bull shit because I am not her," I say growling, my face beginning to morph uncontrollably.

"Damn, I like em feisty," He says, the look on his face growing to be increasingly ugly. He opens his mouth to say another word, but before he can, I swing at him with a punch, but it quickly gets intercepted by someone's hand.

I look over, angry. As I see who it is, I quickly pull my fist back and turn my face away from him, embarrassed that I lost my temper so easily.

He shook his hand.

"That would've nailed you I kinda feel bad I didn't let her hit you." He retorted. "Now tell me why I shouldn't blast you right here." The explosions in his palm were larger than they were before.

"Listen, it's all fun and games, man. You understand, right?" he said, holding up his hands defensively. 

"No, I don't, because I don't lay my hands on girls I don't know who wants nothing to do with me." The explosions from his palms became louder.

At this point, the Pro Hero Midnight gets between the two boys and asks what is happening. They begin to yell and argue with each other. They take me and the blonde separately to question us about the boy.

I explain my side of the story, and the boy tells his side of trying to defend me. After a lengthy bit of questioning, they let us go, and before leaving, they asked the boy if he could walk me home. He looked annoyed by the question but agreed anyway, based on what happened. 

We went to the changing room, and he waited for me outside. I came out in my uniform, and we made our way out of the gates of UA. 

"I'm sorry for causing you such trouble," I say, my head falling to watch my feet.

I hear him tsk, and he begins to speak. "Doesn't matter. That guy had it coming anyway." His voice is straightforward and gruff. "How much further until we get to your house?"

"Oh, not much further... Sorry once again."

We both fell quiet as we reached the apartment.

"Are your parents home?" He asked with a sigh.

"No, they're in the US. I moved back so I could go to UA. If I don't get in, then I'm moving back." I say nervously with a sigh.

"Living by yourself isn't safe." He said bluntly, like I was stupid. 

I pulled out my keys, embarrassed. "I can take care of myself," I said, putting my key in the door.

"Whatever, I'll see you around, nerd." He said, turning away and stomping down the steps.

I then think about what he said...

'see me around?'


I hope you guys like this chapter! It's a bit short, but I felt that was a good spot to leave off! 

-Bean <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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