Chapter 3:Life's Worth

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30 minutes later

Laughter and the scent of cheap cologne filled the air as large groups of people talked and chatted. The bar area was filled with couples chatting and drinking.

John was rushing, as he quickly served drinks left and right as more people walked over to the bar area.

John liked serving people. It was a simple job and he didn’t have to make conversation all too much. Easy money, easy job. He’s just glad he doesn’t have Siren’s part.

He looked over at the backdoor as faint laughter could be heard.


“Within the middle of the medieval period, there was one soldier above the rest. A man with the entire army on his back.  His name? Clayton Ashe.” Siren said as the group of children leaned closer with interest.

Every Friday, Siren would host an event where he would tell stories to children about the past. Specifically in a way for it to be pg of course.

“He served under the king his entire life and one nearly one hundred battles across his life span. But before he could make it to his one-hundredth win, there were rumors of him using dark magic so powerful that it made him stronger than the king. To test him, they decided to send him to his 100th battle. If he were to return, he would be a witch, and they would kill him, but if he didn’t. . . Then he wouldn’t be a witch.” He said as he leaned over to a nearby table and grabbed a bottle of water.

As he was drinking the water, a child raised their hands, which Siren pointed at them to stand up.

It was a young Ice Elf. Probably 5 or 6 years old. The child was a little different than the rest of the kids as he only had one arm.

“Mr.Thompson? Who is that?” He pointed with his finger towards War, who was still asleep in his lap.

Siren placed the bottle down as he showed a faint yet bold grin.

“Her?. . . That’s the ancestor of the man, I'm telling you about today!” He shouted with a dramatic tone.

That was a lie of course. He just wanted to be overdramatic.

“Like I was saying. The knight went into battle by himself and lost. But he didn’t die. With the little strength he had left, He managed to escape back into the kingdom. When he returned the king ordered his execution tomorrow. Clayton was furious as he began yelling at the king, and promised to slay him before his soul rests.

Within under 24 hours, Clayton managed to escape the guards and slay the king, buying enough time for his family to escape.” Siren said as he dramatically closed his notebook.

The kids were left in awe as they started yelling at each other about the story Siren shushed the group.

“Don’t forget guys, the knight’s daughter is sleeping.” He said as he placed his hands on War’s head.

One of the kids, who was an orc, whispered as they put up their hands to their mouths. “Do you think she can tell us stories about her father? She whispered with a faint grin.

Siren shook his head as his eyes entered the Void state.

He stuck his hand out as he shot a small particle of Void.

Its shape twisted and turned as a small knight the size of the kids started walking around.

The kids surrounded the knight as they started touching him.

“That's what the knight looks like, Although there isn’t much detail in the face, you guys get the jist of it.” He said as he waved the knight away.

Suddenly, the door swung open as the parents walked and took their children away.

They all waved Siren goodbye as they left the door.

“. . . Those kids are gonna be good people.” He said as he let out a sigh.

Suddenly War turned over and looked at Siren with a flattered yet seductive look in her eye, as she grinned.

"Your artillery is very sturdy. Impressive." She said in a flirtatious tone.

She jumped up and gave Siren a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.

"I'll you next week!" She shouted before exiting the building.

Siren's face showed pure embarrassment as you could visibly see how red he was like a stop sign.

John walked in with exhaustion in his voice.

"You knew War? . . . . . Your hitting that aren't you?" He said jokingly as he elbowed Siren.

"Nope" He replied as he stood up, and grabbed his scarf.

John face lightened up as he put on his jacket with haste as he walked in front of Siren.

"Ya think you could hook me up?" He said like a child asking for something at the store.

"Nope." Siren replied with a grin on his face

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