The Disappearance

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After such a long day she had, Penda took a cab to Fantasia's place, she rang the bell over and over, but nobody was coming to the door. Fantasia's kids were at Rosey's place to see her grandson who was visiting from Mexico.

Penda used her key and got in, she shut the door,
Fantasia was getting high on the kitchen counter. She lifted her eyes from her cocaine and looked at Penda, her eyes were red, as if blood was coming out of them. Penda gasped. "You just do whatever your ass pleases in my life huh? Do whatever your heart pleases, you come in, get out of my life then you break my car window and now you just barge into my house. Do you have any idea how dangerous I am?" Fantasia asked, she kept snorting her cocaine from the counter. It was a lot of powder... Penda was terrified for her life, she was even scared to even go closer.

"I came to apologize, I had a very scary freely touchy moment that made me crazy out of my mind and I blasted your window, I'm sorry,"

"Why did you do it?" now Fantasia was walking closer. Penda was scared, she kept backing away.
"I thought you didn't defend me. It was important to me that you have my back, back there. I'm sorry that I overreacted, I was just too overheated, and my anger got the best of me. You make me so fucking mad sometimes. Like right now, look at you, you sniffing that powder without a care in the world."

"No no no, Penda don't, don't act like you give a shit about me!" Fantasia said, hands shaking, head unsteadily shaking too. She kicked the trash can while walking closer. She chuckled like a maniac.
Penda's heart pounded out of her chest. "Get out of there Penda" her inner self snapped at her. But she didn't move.

"Need I remind you that you gave up on me, gave up on us, and went to live your life in New York? That it is over between us and I didn't even have to do that for you? but I did. I still do shit for you... I didn't have to do that. You broke into my car, how is that fair to me?" Fantasia's bloody eyes, teared up.

"Baby--" Penda Said... "No!" Fantasia shouted
Penda gasped... Heart still beating bricks.

"I will fix your car, just send me the address of where it is Fantasia, and I will fix it! I appreciate what you did for me. I do, thank you!"

Fantasia kept quiet and walked to the door and opened it for her. Mia approached the door from the other side she was about to knock
"Goodbye, Penda, and good luck with everything!" Fantasia said.  Penda swallowed hard. "And what the fuck are you doing in my house?"

"'I'm here to shamelessly offer myself to you for you not to pull out from the project. You can use me, seat on my face and I will eat your pussy so fucking good, I will make you feel good. I will be your sex slave Fantasia, for you not to pull the plugs on us. For you not to fire me and also because I find you so fucking attractive and I want you to do things to me." Mia said not breathing, like she rehearsed that in her car.
Penda paused. Fantasia chuckled like a maniac again.

"girl go home! I'm very picky with my gay and you ain't it okay! You better run too 'cause have you seen the look on Penda's face? she won't care about jail, she's gonna fuck you up" Fantasia said. Mia turned to Penda, Penda was really upset, her face was red as fuck, Mia backed away and got in her car, and left. Fantasia shut the door in Penda's face. It took a minute for her to leave too. Fantasia continued getting high...

On her way to the hotel, Penda was quiet and thinking hard about the state she left Fantasia in, angry, high as a kite, unapproachable, hot-tempered, and violent. She thought long and hard.
just as the cab was about to pull over...
Penda finally made up her mind.

"Please make a return trip. I-- I have to go back, If I don't, I will never forgive myself!" She told the Cabby.

He nodded, taken by surprised a bit but he made a U-Turn and drove back.

She literally jumped out of the car, running to the front door. Banging on it.

"Fantasia! It's me again. Open up" she said banging.
Just like before, there was no response. She let herself in, the door was not locked this time.
"Fantasia is me, I'm back okay... We need to talk, we can't leave things like this..."

She said looking around.
"Tasia is Penda are you home?" she asked walking around the rooms. She then climbed up the stairs to the master bedroom. She screamed.
"No, no no baby no!" she screamed crawling towards Fantasia who was on the floor, nose bleeding from the overdose.
"It's my fault. Oh shit, it is my fault. Baby, I'm sorry, stay with me, okay, I'm calling for help baby please stay with me!"

She said calling 911.
35 minutes later at the hospital.
Penda was waiting in the waiting room, unsettled, pacing, sitting, legs shaking impatiently, her fiance was calling and calling. She wasn't picking up.

She waited for another hour.
"Hi Dr Cross, I'm Penda Smith, I brought a patient here with a nosebleed. Any idea how she's doing? Nobody is keeping me in the loop here, I'm starting to worry!"

"Fantasia? She left Mrs Smith. She was taken to rehab, that's with her poxy's decision."
Penda felt her heart smashing. "W-who is her proxy?"

"Mr. Dylan Barrino, her Brother," The doctor said...
"Well, do you have the address to the facility she was taken to?"

"I'm not supposed to say. It's a private institute."
Penda felt like her breath rushed to her head and didn't wanna come out.
"Are you okay?"
Penda was panting. "I'm fine. How long is the program?"
"Three years!"
"Oh my gosh!" Penda breathed out.
"Mrs Smith, I am so sorry. Nobody was supposed to tell you because you are not on her health insurance proxy. I apologize if this is hard for you. But she will be well taken care of there, it's a very good, highly recommended facility, she is gonna be fine!" He said.

Penda picked up her purse and ran to the bathroom to cry and puke. She wasn't sure why she was such a wreck about it but she was a total mess.
"Three years, I won't see her for three years? I'm getting married, I'm two months. Everything is a mess!!" she cried looking herself in the mirror.

She pulled herself together and regrouped before rushing to a cab to go back to the hotel.
She found Nikki waiting.
"Where the hell have you been Pen? You scared me, it's after midnight!"

"Sorry I scared you, I had to take a friend to the hospital. Sorry I couldn't talk, I'm fine, she is gonna be fine I guess"

"Yeah? That's bad, my cousin Dylan just called too, his half-sister who lives around here was admitted into rehab. He sounded really upset too, he blamed himself for always being on the road. I mean I never met his sister but she sounds like a lot. It ain't Dylan's fault."

Penda's jaw was hanging. She was putting 2 and 2 together in her head. Her Fiance and Fantasia were step-cousins?

"I--I need a shower, tonight was a really bad, bad, horrible, very terrifying and scary night. It was a lot" Penda said. Nikki hugged her tight. "I will make it all better baby, I got you. But for now, shower and get some rest, we will figure out the rest tomorrow." Nikki said. Penda nodded and planted a kiss on her lips and went to the bathroom to cry and shower in peace. And boy did she cry. I mean she cried her eyes out.


Hugs for my overly sensitive people.🫂🫂🫂🫂Xoxo! And tissues as well.
and bourbon for my bad bitches... Let's drink 🥃 and hot cocoa for those who read feelings involved.☕

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