Chapter 10☆ Blood

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As Lumian stepped out the door, he felt as thought he was transported to another world.
Before him lay no longer the familiar Cordu, but a dark-red mountain peak and the collapsed buildings surrounding it. Together, they formed a strange ruin.
The fog in the sky was thick and pale, making it difficult for light to enter. The ground was shattered and there were many rocks. Lumian gripped his axe tightly and inched forward carefully, his heart pounding in his chest. Along the way, he couldn’t find a place to hide.
There were no weeds or trees.
Lumian walked in fear, his every sense on high alert. All he could do was hunch his back and comfort himself. At the very least, if there was any danger in this area, it would be obvious at a glance. He could discover it in advance.
Finally, he arrived at the ruins, a half-collapsed building that had been wrecked by fire.
Lumian surveyed the area for a moment and tentatively confirmed that there were no other creatures lurking about. Satisfied with his assessment, he cautiously made his way inside the building, being mindful of the charred wood that could fall at any moment from midair.
As he searched the room, his eyes landed on a broken pot in the corner of the house. There was a hint of gold shining through the cracks.
Lumian approached the pot slowly and realized that it was a gold coin.
Can it be true? There’s actually treasure in the ruins of my dream??He picked up the gold coin and wiped it against his body.
The patterns on the surface of the coin were revealed.
The coin featured a man’s portrait carved on the front. His face was thin, and his hair was parted 30-70. There was a mustache on his lips, and his gaze was rather firm. On the back was a bunch of sweet iris flowers surrounding the number 20.
Lumian recognized the man depicted on the coin. It was none other than the first president of the Intis Republic, Levanx.
It’s actually a Louis d’or…?Lumian was rather surprised.
Firstly, he couldn’t believe that the currency in this strange dream ruin was actually the currency of the Intis Republic in reality. And secondly, he had casually picked up something as valuable as a Louis d’or.
He knew that in the present day, the legal currencies of the Intis Republic were verl d’or and coppet. One verl d’or was equivalent to 100 coppet.
Coppet existed in the form of copper coins and silver coins. The copper coins were divided into three categories: 1 coppet, 5 coppet, 10 coppet, while the silver coins had the denominations of 20 coppet and 50 coppet.
Verl d’or could be found in the form of silver coins, gold coins, or banknotes. In silver coins, there were denominations of 1, 5, and 10 verl d’or, while gold coins came in 5, 10, 20, 40, and 50 denominations.
The denominations of banknotes were even more varied, ranging from 5, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000 verl d’or.
In reality, the people of Intis still clung to the old currency units. For example, the most widely used 5 coppet copper coins were known as ‘lick.’
Similarly, gold coins worth 20 verl were commonly referred to as Louis d’or.
In the old currency era, Louis d’or had been known as Roselle. But after the Republic was established, the name was changed to Louis d’or in order to erase Emperor Roselle’s influence.
As Lumian understood it, even in the rural area of Cordu, a Louis d’or could sustain a poor family with fields for an entire month.
He knew that without Aurore’s high income, he might never have even seen what a Louis d’or looked like. In fact, in the entire village of Cordu, only the siblings and the family of the administrator had ever seen or owned a Louis d’or.
To any villager, this Louis d’or was an incredibly valuable gain.
Unfortunately, this is just a dream…?Lumian couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment.
This was something ordinary, making it unlikely he could “bring” it out of the dream.
But even so, he handled the Louis d’or with great care and respect. Having spent much of his life wandering, he knew the value of every coppet.
And he knew that one Louis d’or was equivalent to 2,000 coppet, which was equal to one gold pound in the Loen Kingdom, though slightly less. According to the papers he had read, 24 verl d’or could only be exchanged for one gold pound.
Lumian continued his search for any written information that could shed light on the ruins and their history. He wanted to see if this place corresponded to a certain location in reality, and whether a village in the Intis Republic had been “transported” into this dream world. The appearance of the Louis d’or had only fueled his curiosity.
As Lumian moved cautiously through the ruined building, his eyes fell upon a spot where a stove had once stood, now stained with a dark red color.
“Blood?” His pupils dilated as he quickly made a guess.
Immediately after, he made a judgment.
Although it wasn’t fresh, it hadn’t yet turned black—it looked as though it had just dripped there two or three days prior, or perhaps even more recently!
As his heart began to race, Lumian suddenly felt the light around him dim, as if something had silently blocked the light filtering through the dense fog from above!

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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