Start Of A Journey Part 4

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The Professor was being called out by the sound of his brother, walking out of the library considering he couldn't get the answer yet from the librarian considering it could be important.
" Crying, I need to talk to you, mind sparing me some of your time? "
The Scientist held his cane in place, questioning his Brother.
he'd sigh
"uhh..- H-Hey, it's been a while since we had spoken. I-I guess We could talk for a while. "
" Come along dear brother, we have something to talk about. "
He'd start walking, assuming his brother is following along where he was walking.
The cane was making just silent thuds as every time it made contact with the endstone they walked on
2 had walked, whilst in the area of the nice End City.
" The guards have found some more Steves, just like us. But rather quite.. What do you say? colourful? "The Scientist  was looking forward to it, he didn't even make face to face communication with his brother.
"D-Don't you think i-its a bit strange? I-I mean doesn't that mean we are in danger?" Crying being concerned about his brother and their city.
" Of course I do! Who thinks it's not? there's 3 Steves,- whatever.. What they are, We're one of the smartest ones here! we're going to interrogate them. "
He spoke with a brave tone in his voice, he'd stop walking.
The building to where the holding area is, is right in front of the 2.
"o-ok i am worried they might call back up and t-try to kill us o-or experiment on us!" Him trying to stop his brother from hurting the anonymous Steve's.
"I won't do anything to them! Don't worry, let's see just when we go in. "
The Scientist opened the door, walking forward towards a floating platform.
" Who says a little more knowledge can hurt you? "
Crying going on an elevator to the anonymous Steve's prison cells. When they get there crying is shocked. " O-Oh my God W-What have you d-done!"
Crying looking in fear to see the steve's are being hurt.
Dragon Charge's jaw just kinda dropped, pinching the bridge of his nose then looked to the guards.
" I didn't order them to start hurting the prisoners, let's just handle this like a gentleman. "
He'd raise his cane a bit, then slamming it down with some force making a loud thud in the room.
" All of you, stop what you're doing right now and get out of my sight. If I catch you doing this again to new prisoners, You WILL be transferred to somewhere else. "
He had just gotten off the hovering platform, along with his Brother as well.

The guards that were harming the 3 steves had left via a hovering platform that the Brothers had used to get on the floor of the prisoner's.
" What a shame, we needed them in perfect condition. "
End Part 2
Previously in part 2,The prisoners were very injured and the 2 brothers have come back to interrogate them before the Prisoners were fatally wounded.
"W-Why are they c-chained up still?" Crying says in a worried tone.
" It wasn't me who ordered it, it was standard protocol. The leaders don't want any potential threats. " Dragon Charge looked at his Brother, then at the Prisoners. " Would've been useful if one of the guards were still here, I'm not willing to even try to help these simpletons. "
As Crying turned to look at his brother he noticed a pattern in the suspect's colours. He thinks for a moment. "W-Wait a minute. H-Hey brother?" Crying's tone was very worried. But still tried to keep his mind on the thought.
"What is it? " Dragon Charge's response was dry and slight head movement towards his brother and his eyes narrowed, but it seems like the brief answer was enough.
"H-Have you noticed that the unknown steve's look like that substance that you found out to be l-lava?" Trying to make the question simple and fast.
" Yes, lava. We don't even know where it came from.. " The Scientist's attention turned to the Prisoners, and yellow.. " You're correct about that. "
Crying, getting shaky and sweat running down his face" I-I think they have e-either created it o-or... They came from the l-legendary dimension we have studied about..."
" if they came from said  dimension.. I expected them to have the appearance to look like it, and if they were that simple. They just look despicable. " The Scientist sighed, approaching near where the Prisoners are more further,
Crying feeling doubt from Dragon Charge"...Fine I will show you they are not from here!" Crying pulling out his staff and using some of the magic contained in said staff. Slamming it on the solid ground."HERE GOES NOTHING!" Crying using more of the staff's extension of power. Making the three Prisoners tell the truth"Gah.. There I made them tell the truth for only three minutes. Now hurry and ask them!"
" Something productive from you today. Crying. " He'd Place his cane on the wall on his left, then he searched his pockets for at least a bunch of keys. Then approached the prisoners, releasing them from the chains that was what made them feel imprisoned. " I will be interrogating each of you " He'd sigh, looking slightly annoyed as he's taking out his time for the sake of the steve's in this dimension.
" Now come to me, each of you, where did you come from. " He demanded the answers from the 3 Steves.
The First Chromatic would speak, Red." I am from the Red kingdom." Dragon would raise a brow to the Red Steve, it wasn't a very clear answer but then again. Dragon Charge should've specified the question a lot better.
When the other Chromatics spoke they said the same thing but from other kingdoms.
"W-Well? See I was right!" Crying flowing joy. Shortly after he'd stop and humble himself.
" There's no such thing as red and other kingdoms Crying. " The Pinkish Steve grabbed his cane resting on the wall, back to questioning the steves again as there was only 2 minutes before the truthful effect wears off. " Now tell me, what dimension do you three come from? And how did you get here aside from the guards. "
The Orange one would speak."We have come from the dimension where the water flows peacefully and the tree's breath." The Yellow Steve would shortly speak after "We found a portal that showed lots of stars and we jumped in to get informa- Wait what happened?" The yellow steve would look confused." Ugh the e-effect wore off brother..." Crying would say in a disappointed tone.
The grasp on the cane became slightly more firm, this slightly irritated Dragon Charge a bit and took a bit to change his demeanour to a much more friendlier approach. " Well,  Prisoners. We just freed you from your shackles.. The guards had to take you in for questioning. But please, we need you three to cooperate. "
The 3 Steves looked at themselves, the chains were obviously off them and the Chromatics huddled up for a group discussion. Leaving the 2 Brothers hanging with no response.
Dragon Charge looked to the Professor, shrugging. Then walked next to him, waiting for the group discussion with the Prisoners to finish. The Scientist was trying to look from a distance of body language incase, but it didn't do as much as he hoped. The only thing they could do is either interrupt or wait.
When the three steve's figured out what they were going to say, they shared it with the two brothers. The red one would talk first."We have decided we want to be sent back to our homes." He says this with confidence.
The Steve , who wielded the cane, was now deciding his choice of words. " Mind if you.. Bring us to where you came from into this dimension? " He turned his head to his Brother, hoping the Professor could chime in.
As The scientist would hope Crying would speak"Y-Yes my B-Brother is right! I would l-like to see this other d-dimension." Crying would be filled with excitement.
The orange Steve didn't even think twice to seem, blurting out very few words like that. " Sure, why not! " It seemed like the Orange one just shrugged it off, bringing more friends to their homeland.
The other 2 Chromatics just snapped their heads at the Orange one, flabbergasted at how quick their colleague responded. Now, one of them didn't want to be seen as an impolite individual. The Red one spoke out.
" well- But we could work something out, at a later time! But we have something back at home waiting for us. " The Red Steve seemed slightly uneasy, said from  his expression.
The Yellow one however did not want these unknown Steve in their homeworld, seeming to be blunt about it and right out denying. " No, we're  just not doing that. " Yellow crossed his arms and gritted his teeth as he spoke one more time. " On your own time, figure it out! "
The Scientist side-glanced at the yellow one, then turned towards the Orange one. Approaching the 3 with a slight grin as the cane made light taps on the tiles of the end tower.. " Then again, it would be nice to make more friends, would it not? "
The Orange one seemed slightly nervous, seeming to take back a bit from what he just said earlier. " Weelllll... Yeeee,ssurree?? It wouldn't hurt. " Orange Steve looked away from the Scientist, Orange should've let the other 2 speak mainly.
So the brother's joined with the three steve's went off to go into this new dimension they have discovered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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