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"Yerim-ssi, who's your celebrity crush?"

"Oh, celebrity crush?" Yerim's eyes glittered upon hearing it like any other girls out there.

"Yes. Any idols you like?"

Yerim pouted, "Does it have to be idols?"

The interviewer chuckled, "It can be anyone."

Yerim smiled sheepishly as she say the name that has been in her heart for a long time, "Shim Eunjung, our national swimmer athlete."

The interviewer raised her eyebrows, "Oh, really? Wow," of course she's suprised, out of all public figure, she wouldn't expect a goddess like Im Yerim would watch sports channel instead of watching kdramas like many other girls does.

"Shim Eunjung won a gold medal last season, right? Wahh, you like someone who excel in something they do, right?" the interviewer sure is great at what she does with the question.

Yerim nodded shyly, "She is so cool. I've been a fan since the first season she competed in."


an: testing the waters hehe, if u guys like this i will continue ♡ i will go back and forth between this story and Knowing You since i had a massive writer's block for Knowing You right now 😭😭

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