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It's funny to think about how a single event that happens in your life can change everything. That's what happened to me. One day, I'm winning an Oscar when I'm only 20 years old. 15 years later, I'm struggling to find a new acting job. Luckily, a film director called Jack Johnson decided to take a chance on me. He's directing his sixth film of his career, called "The American Maid." It's a period romance about an American maid who falls in love with the British son of the person who employed her. I play Lucy, the main character. I discovered it recently that I got the role. Nothing has been decided yet about who will play Henry, the other main character. Jack told me that they will be auditioning a few actors. The goal is to select this actor as quickly as possible so we can begin filming. After everything that's happened to me, I need this movie to be a success. I need desperately.
Four days later, I received a call from Jack saying I needed to go to the recording studio. He wanted me to shoot a scene with an actor they selected to see if we had chemistry. I hurry to get there, the anxiety I feel is huge for the recording to start. Upon arriving, I'm approached by Jack.
- So, I selected an actor who I believe is perfect for the role. His name is Ryan Blackwood. He's already on his way. If everything goes well and he is selected, recordings will begin in a week.
- I can't wait! - I said.
An hour passes and nothing of Ryan. I get up and start pacing back and forth, while looking at my wristwatch. I'm starting to get impatient with Ryan's delay. There's no way he would be late on the first day of work, when it's not even really the first day of work, I thought. Another thirty minutes pass and just as I'm thinking about leaving, I hear a sound coming from the door. Ryan was opening the door.
- Sorry for the delay. - He said, as he arrived all flustered. - I got into horrible traffic on my way here.
- Everything is fine. I know what traffic is like here in New York. - Jack said, while ordering Ryan and the man who was responsible for the camera to get ready. - Get ready, because we're about to start recording the scene.
Jack walks away, leaving Ryan and I alone. I stay quiet. I don't even say hi to Ryan. I'm nervous about the delay, even if traffic was to blame. I read my lines on the paper that I'm holding, while he watches me, shyly. He thinks I didn't notice that he was looking at me.
- Hi, I'm Ryan. -He said, while extending his hand to greet me.
- Sophie. Sophie Smith. - I replied, without greeting him.
- I know who you are. I've already watched some of the films you were in. Being able to work with you is a great honor. - He said, a little embarrassed after I didn't give him my hand to shake.
- Maybe being able to work with you is a great honor. - I corrected him. - You haven't gotten the role yet.
- True. Sorry about that.
I turn my eyes and focus back on the paper with the lines. He does the same thing. Jack comes back.
- Ready? - Jack asked.
- Yes, I'm. - I replied.
- Me too.
- Perfect, let's get started.
Ryan starts recording and it doesn't take long for us to finish. Ryan and I only needed two tries to do the scene perfectly. As we finish, I hear sounds of applause coming from Jack.
- Fantastic! He exclaimed.
Ryan and I looked at each other with pride on our faces. We may not have gotten along well at first, but during the scene everything turned out great. We understand each other very well in the scene.
- Your chemistry surpassed this ceiling. I think I saw some sparks during the recording. It was amazing. Ryan, you're definitely getting the role for this movie. I had no doubt that you would be my choice to play Henry. - He said, while congratulating him, shaking his hand.
I do the same.
- Congratulations! - I said, finally giving him a handshake.
- Thanks. I can't wait for us to work together. It's the first time in my career that I'm going to act with a real star.
- You don't need to suck up to me. I'm not a real star.
- You're an Oscar winner. It's obvious that you are a real star.
I give him a shy smile for the compliment. I hadn't heard that from someone in a long time. After that, I say goodbye and go home. It'll be difficult to control my anxiety until the recording begins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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