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"So what you guys say?" I asked impatiently

"The fetus won't be in harm?" Edward asked me

I was bout to answer when all the sudden there was a bang on the door I ran to it to answer, it was Jacob so I tried shutting the door but he forced it open and ran upstairs

"ls it true?" He asked as I chased him upstairs

"Hello, Jacob, how are you?" Rosalie said

"Listen, just give it to me straight." He demanded

"Look this has nothing to do with you mutt" Claudia said

"She is right you know, this ain't Bella, this Angela we are talking about. We don't need you butting in okay?" I told him

"It is my business when Bella told me that this devil got Angela pregnant" he snapped

"Yeh and I gave a solution, that I'd turn her, she would look normal, there won't be any changes except being pregnant" I told him

"This girl life is ruined whether the wolves likes it or not" Alice stated

"Where is Angela, this needs to be sorted by her and her only" Rosalie said as Angela walked in

"I'm here, I've pretty much heard this convo since Y/N said that he can change me and there will be no changes, and I want that, I was gonna die anyways, may aswell hurry the process" she said looking at her stomach

"You sure, cos once this happens it'll be no return, you'll be like this forever" I told her as she nodded

"I know but it's a solution that I want" she confirmed so I nodded

I could see Claudia getting mad, she stormed out with a sad look on her face, I could tell something happened but I couldn't pinpoint it, I walked out to find her

"Claudia?" I called out her name

"Go away" she replied back from my music room so I walked there I wasn't gonna leave her alone I wasn't like that

"Hey" I said walking in, I knew she was either jealous or just genuinely upset

"I thought I said go away" she snapped before looking up at me, she was jealous but from what

"Why are you jealous?" I asked carefully which she sighed

"I guess I'm jealous that Rosalie and Angela are pregnant whereas I can't, just like Rosalie I wanted a family" she said

"What happened, how did you die?" I asked

"I was born in 1915, in California, I had a younger brother and an older sister, I was a middle child. You could say I enjoyed my life to the fullest, but my timely end happened in 1932,

Three years before I met Emmett, I got brutally beaten and killed by a masked figure, I didn't know who it was, I screamed and screamed for help but it seemed like no one was coming until I was bleeding out, my killer ran off but Carlisle turned me right there and then, all I could feel was the withering pain, he picked me up and took me to his house where I stayed for the remainder of my transformation

I'm pretty sure he turned me so I could be Edwards mate, but that didn't work, a year later Rosalie was turned, and once again, Carlisle saved her but turned her to be Edwards mate as well, even though Rose didn't like him like that, his rejection hit her like mad. I'm just jealous cos I'll never be able to have children with Emmett or grow old with him" she told me which I felt guilty for.

"Im sorry Claudia, didn't mean to make you feel like that" I told her sincerely as I looked at the ground I carried on when she said nothing

"I know how the pain felt, I really don't wish that on my worst enemy let alone Angela, but this is to save her, Edward would never forgive me if he knew that I could've saved her, that is why I told everyone that I could" I told her as I stood up, held out my hand for her to use to get herself up from the ground which she did

"I know and it is not your fault l, just wished she could live a happy normal life, like I did for you" she said as I nodded, honestly I preferred if I stayed human to be honest

"I was born like this, even I wished I could've stayed human without setting off my curses" I told her as she nodded in understanding

"Thank you... brother" she said as she gave me a hug which I gave back in shock

"Your welcome... sister" I said as a cough broke our hug, we looked at who it was

"You done stealing my wife" Emmett joked as I laughed and walked away towards the house to leave them some privacy

I walked inside the house

"So Angela, you and Edward had a proper talk? About this?" I asked wanting to make sure this is hundred percent they wanted

"Yeh and we wanna do that" she said nodding

"Okay well it'll have to be soon cos we don't know how long your pregnancy will be, but with a original kind you'd have at least a couple of months" I told them

The eternal life is better w you Rosalie Hale x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now