Ch 9: Just Go Away

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I woke up in my hotel room to look at my alarm clock, "11:49am.." 

That is better than 6am in the morning like yesterday.. 

I just walked down to the lobby and waited in the bar alone. 

The waiter said, "Can I get you anything?" 

I signed, "Anything to get me drunk.."

The waiter walked away and got me a huge bottle of wine and poured it.. 

I took a gulp of the wine and slammed the glass on the table.. 

I put my head on the table as I looked around to see no one..

Thank God..

I began to drink a little.

Neymar's POV

I wake up to stretch a little running up and down the hallway with David Luiz..

I bro hugged him, "Ight Talk to you later.." 

I grabbed my phone and texted Elizabeth. 

Me: Hey Vida♥♥.. Where are you? 

E♥: Out.. 

Me: Out where? 


Me: Ok! I am making sure you are safe.. 

What if something is wrong with her? 

Elizabeth's POV

Leave me alone!! Neymar!

I was starring at my phone, "Can I take this wine to go?" 

I slammed $50 on the table..

The guy packed it and handed it to me.. 

I put on my hoodie and pushed my hair in my hood..

I began running with the wine bottle in my hand. 

I saw cars go by me like I cared. 

Neymar's POV

Where is she? 

I am driving around all of Brasil looking for her.. 

I pressed the button to call from the car. 

Me: Hello? 

Thiago: Sup Ney? 

Me: I can't find Elizabeth. Did you see her anywhere? 

T♥: Nao bro.  Want me to look at the stadium for you? 

Me: Yeah. I can't find her..

T♥: Remember we have a game today and you need to focus on that..

Me: Right.. 

T♥: I will look ok?  I got to go. I am driving..

I hung up. 

Where is she? 

Elizabeth's POV

I had my music blasting in my head, - MMM Yeah (Austin Mahone) 

I still had my hood up. 

I turned to see a car I knew.

It was Neymar's. 

The wind pulled down my hood. 


Neymar stopped the car and pulled me, "What is wrong with you!!" 

Neymar's POV

I grabbed her tightly, "What is wrong with you!" 

She dropped a bottle as it was glass. 

I looked to the ground, "Were.. Were you drinking!?" 

She looked to the ground.. 

I pulled her closely to me, "WERE YOU DRINKING!" 

She looked down, "Why should you care?" 

Thiago, David, and Robinho pulled up. 

Thiago's jaw dropped, "What are you doing holding onto Elizabeth like that?" 

David's POV

Everybody has to calm down. 

I see a bottle. 

Neymar was holding tightly onto Elizabeth..

I pulled Neymar off her. 

Elizabeth yelled, "PORRA/ FUCK!" 

Elizabeth looked at her skin to see a piece of glass in her hand. 

Elizabeth's eyes began to cry as she fell to the floor. 

Neymar's Sister; Ronaldo's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now