
350 28 11

September 2021
Detroit, Mi

Pushing the room door closed Milan rolled her eyes from the previous altercation. Pushing the long Raw Indian twenty six inch hair behind her ear she rolled her eyes again and walked over towards her bed

A smack flew from Milan's lips as she still heard his mouth going, even after she had walked away. And that's one thing she could not stand when her brothers were mad. They could never just leave a subject alone

Sliding down the headboard Milan laid her head on the pillow hoping that neither one of them had the idea to come in and bother her. If she walked away she was done with it. Milan meant that

"And don't be in hea' slammin' doors when you don't even pay fa' none." Twan yelled in front of her door as he passed by

Not giving him the satisfaction of arguing back and forth Milan kept her eyes in her phone. Avoiding his bitterness all together as one

"And I know you hea' me too in thea' Mí." Twan doubled back coming past her door again

Doing the same thing once again Milan didn't answer of even try to give him attention. But with the way she was ignoring him, Milan knew it was bound to happen that the two were bound to come into her room

"More childish than me. And I'm the youngest." Milan said to herself with a light chuckle

Hearing faint talking from outside her door it brought a smile to her face. Milan heard a couple of other voices right along with theirs meaning that her brother were about to either leave or leave her alone and go off somewhere downstairs

Tucking the hair back behind her ear, Milan sat up in the center of the bed criss cross applesauce. Tapping away on her phone she didn't even hear the footsteps that was coming closer to her door

A light sound from the doorknob moving made Milan look up to see if it was either Twan or Syn coming inside. To her surprise it was neither of the two

Which brought Milan slight excitement. But that was until she seen the face fully for herself. A smack flying from her lips which made him laugh and close the door quietly

The look of annoyance she once held for both of her brothers was now held towards Him as well. Even though Milan hadn't seen him in a while she still had a attitude towards him

"Get out Trevon. I already got rid of two. I don't need you adding on." Milan sassed out making him still stand in front of the door smirking

"Chill out ma. I ain't onnat wit' chu' boo. I miss you." He mumbled going to lay across the foot of her bed

"I miss you too. From a distance though." Milan said with a fake amused smile

"You know you missed me girl. You ain't seen me in two months." Skilla told her as he took the hoodie off

"When I meant from a distance I meant from like downstairs. Far away from my room. And it's Milan,to you Trevon." She mumbled making him laugh once more. Milan's face held nothing but annoyance

"Come give me a kiss onna' cheek or sumn'. You straight tryna be weird to me "Milan". I miss you mama." Skilla told Milan making her smile while pettily saying her name right

Leaning up a little from her seat in the center of the bed Milan watched as he turned his face to the side. Kissing the side of Skilla's cheek Milan made sure she double pecked it

"That wasn't hard huh?" He smiled making her smile

"No, I just don't feel like being bothered. That's why I closed myself off away from those two downstairs." She explained making Skilla listen

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