Prologue: Burden of Expectations

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Background is not owned by me:)

3rd Person Pov:

A demon prince stood in the wings of the royal arena, his heart pounding from his chest, the lively chatters echoed in the silence of the atmosphere. He was performing today in front of the king, his father and members of the royal council with their citizens as well. It is to showcase his strength and knowledge on the battlefield. He felt immense pressure. He felt like the whole kingdom is on his shoulder, but it is the truth. He ponders the worth of the training he endured for this day, wanting nothing more than being victorious and the satisfaction of his citizens.

Suddenly, he is interrupted by a voice, calling out his name. He shook away the train of thoughts and turned to the man who called him. "Is there something I could help with?"

The man shrugs as he chuckled softly, his black hair with faded blue shades complemented the blue eyes gazing behind the prince. "Not at all. I just wanted to check on my little brother."

"And so?" He sneered with annoyance. "I don't need your advice."

"Yes, you do Raine." His brother replied, walking towards him before putting a hand onto his shoulder. A glint of worry upon his eyes. "You don't have to do this, you know. Maybe if you could let me be in place of your shoes-"

Raine sighed. "I do appreciate it. But as you can see, I am destined to be the heir of the throne for our kingdom. My people depends on me and I shall not let anything hinder my growing reign." He gazed at his brother while taking his hand off his shoulder, his eyes filled with determination.

Raine then heard the muffled voices outside, indicating the start of the event. He turned to the front and began to walk towards the gates. However he glanced at his brother, his eyes staring deep into his. He gave him a cold stare as he fixed his outfit before speaking. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have an audience awaiting for me."

His brother couldn't do anything but sigh, as he was later ordered by a guard to return to his seat outside. He settled on the chair, as he have no choice but to watch the scene unfold. Murmurs of the audience were heard while the council sat in patience, waiting for the event to start. After a while, the announcer finished his speech and he realized that the show was about to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Prince Raine Ashford, The Shadow Prince of our very kingdom, Astern."

As the gates rose, Raine entered the arena, his hair flowing behind him with his horns illuminating in the dark night. His outfit consisting of a black coat with trimming to the sleeves and gray pants, along with a blue belt and black combat boots with a few details on. His eyes scanned the audience, and he felt their eyes upon him, evaluating him. His eyes glanced to his brother, whose eyes also upon him and then to his father, who only gaze him a rather cold stare, one that tells him not to fail. He had trained for weeks for this moment, but now, as he stood before the audience, he felt completely unprepared. Despite the feeling, he showed a strong aura upon his audience, promising himself to not disappoint.

The announcer then introduces his opponent who then revealed himself from the other side of the arena. It is a strong-looking warrior (picked by the council of course), with steel armor over his body. The loud cheers of the audience echoed through his ears. Both contestants stepped towards each other as they exchanged bows, a sign of respect. Then they both parted as they prepared themselves for a duel. Raine summons his spear while the warrior draws out his sword. The two locked eyes with each other, waiting for the signal as the audience wait with anticipation, sensing the confidence and determination on both sides. However, Raine instead felt no confidence but anxiety and self-doubt. He eventually shook his thoughts before paying attention to the matter at hand, that is winning the duel.

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