chapter 1: dying for you

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Tw!! (If this triggers anyone) This talks about deep sickness and mentions of blood. You have been warned
Also writing may be bad and that's because i don't write stories much, I'm more of an AI roleplay person so i'm most definitely going to re-write this later on
But enjoy the chapter!
Test tube's pov

I walked back into hotel oj, tired. I had spent the entire night and most of the day looking over my notes, and barely got any sleep at all.. Paper looked up at me with a smile. "Oh hey test tube! Uh, I know you said fan won't eat but I-I made him food anyways if you want to bring it to him later.." Paper said that with a smile as he gestured to the kitchen where two plates were on the bar. One for me, and the other for fan. I nodded at paper tiredly and grabbed the plate meant for fan but before I could go upstairs paper spoke up again. "Are you alright test tube? You look tired... you aren't overworking yourself are you?"
I sighed, "No, no I'm not. I'm just tired..."
"Well don't overwork yourself, I don't want you to get sick.. Especially with fan like that.."
"Don't worry, I'll be careful paper, don't worry so much!" ever since fan got sick with.. Whatever this is... paper's been keeping a watchful eye over everyone in the hotel, and overreacting about even the slightest cough after he found out how sick fan was. I went up the stairs towards fans room, while looking over my notes.. And looked at the notes I had of fans infection. When I entered his room the first thing i noticed was that the sore's seemed... darker... I winked at the sight, and shut the door behind me before speaking up.
"Hey fan.. You want any of this...?" When he shook his head I sighed. "Alright then.. I'll just leave this here, but I need to take some more samples. Do you think you can talk easier today?"
He shook his head again before mumbling, "H-hurts.."
I felt horrible. I nodded as I got out my syringe. "I know, I know.. You said that yesterday. If you want I can get you some more painkillers when we're done." he looked like he was trying to say something but he just went into a coughing fit, that's when i saw the blood.
"Golly gee! Are you okay!?" I ran over but he just shook his head as if to say he's fine, I didn't believe it though.
"T-tired.." fan mumbled, I sighed a little and nodded.
"Yeah, that's fine.. You can try to rest, but text me if anything happens alright...?" he nodded, I smiled a little and left the room. I didn't even get the samples I needed but he was unwell, I could tell that it wasn't a good time to do so. Fan usually texted me when something was wrong, like if he needed painkillers or something else.. He usually didn't take anything else though...

Later because idk what else to write

I was sitting at the table, I was honestly really tired. Someone, I was too tired to know who it was, came up behind me and asked me a question.
".... . -.-- , / -.-. .- -. / .. / --. --- / ... . . / ..-. .- -. ..--.. / .. .----. -- / ..-. . . .-.. / -... .- -.. / .- -... --- ..- - / .-- .... .- - / .... .- .--. .--. . -. . -.. / .- -. -.. / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / --. --- / .- .--. --- .-.. --- --. .. --.. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-" she asked
"Yeah yeah... you can do that, I don't mind.." she thanked me after i said that and went upstairs. After a few seconds I started dozing off before someone else slammed their hands on the table, startling me awake.
"Hey testy!!" It was lightbulb. She was grinning at me happily. I smiled tiredly.
"Hey lightbulb.. Do you need something?"
"Nothin much! I just want to talk because you look bored."
I couldn't help but smile at her. We talked for a bit about... something... its lightbulb, we can barely tell what she's talking about half the time. However our conversation was cut short by a blood, curdling scream ringing through the hotel, specifically from fans room.... And the scream wasn't his
So there's the chapter!
Sorry my writing is so bad i am definitely going to re-write this
And sorry this was way later than i thought, i totally didn't forget this existed for the past few days..
And related, I'm adding more object shows!
Object dreamscape
The nightly manor
I'm going to actually do animatic battle and brawl of the objects
And if I forget an object show and it's in a future chapter i will mention it :)

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