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"Hey there, roomie," Fred called as Hermione entered the shop with a bag slung over her shoulder and a suitcase rolling behind her. "If you'll lock the door behind you, I will show you to your quarters."

"You make it sound so posh," Hermione laughed as she locked the door and secured the deadbolt.

"You'll find nothing less than ultimate luxury at Casa de Fred. Follow me, m'lady," he said, taking the suitcase and walking towards the backroom.

Hermione adjusted the bag on her shoulder and followed Fred through the curtain, to the stockroom. He unlocked a door and revealed the staircase to his flat.

"Were you able to see your parents off this morning?" Fred asked as they climbed the stairs.

"Yes. Luckily they had an early morning flight so I was able to take them to the airport and get back here in time to open the store. They want me to come to Australia for Easter."

"Think you'll go?" He opened the door to the flat and lit the lamps with a flick of his wand.

"No... Maybe? I don't know. Easter feels so far away right now. We'll see how I feel after the new year."

"That makes sense." Fred pointed to a small hallway to their right. "Your room is the door to the right and the bathroom is right across the hall. You'll find fresh towels in your closet. The refrigerator is stocked with frozen waffles and pumpkin juice. Come and go as you please and help yourself to anything you fancy."

"Thanks, Fred," Hermione said. ' What about if the thing I fancy is my flatmate?' she thought and then quickly shoved her left hand into her coat pocket, knowing that her Reflection Ring stone was glowing bright pink.

Fred chuckled. "Still have the ring on?"

"I can't get the damn thing off!"

"I guess George didn't show you the fine print on that item. It's charmed to stay on for a month.

Hermione's eyes went wide. "A month!?"

Fred held his smirk for almost a full second before he broke and started laughing hysterically. He shook his head and tried to speak but was only able to get out breathless wheezing.

"Arse," Hermione muttered, grabbing her suitcase from him and dragging it to the spare bedroom.

"I'm sorry," Fred breathed, hurrying after her. "A little cooking oil should help it slide off."

"I'll give it a go," Hermione said, giving him her best evil look. She looked down at the stone and the pink had darkened to ruby red. That made sense. She was thinking about getting the ring off and shoving it where the sun doesn't shine.

The stone immediately changed back to pink

"Urg," she muttered and slid the ring around so that the stone was face down.

"Your thoughts cover an interesting spectrum," Fred commented.

"Thank you for that analysis. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to change so, shoo," she said, waving her hand towards the door.

"Alright, alright. I was going to throw some leftover chicken into a salad. Would you like some?"

"Sure. I'll be out in a few minutes."

Fred left and as soon as the door shut behind him, Hermione flopped down on the bed and let out a groan. She really had to get that damn ring off! Lifting her hands up, she pulled on the ring until it cut into her skin.

The first few days of wearing it, she hadn't really noticed it. She wasn't around Fred and had no reason to monitor her thoughts. Then she realized the previous night that she would be spending a portion of her day, every day, with him and desperately tried to pry it from her finger. The thing wouldn't budge. Once he went to bed, she'd find the cooking oil and pour the whole damn bottle on over her hand if it meant that she'd be free of the traitorous band. She couldn't spend another two weeks with Fred knowing she was having lustful thoughts.

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