Chapter 5: Hangover!

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The light stung my eyes as the doctor inspected them. "Eyes are working correctly, everything seems to be in order except for the symptoms." She pocketed the light into her lab coat. "You said she had light sensitivites and a severe headache?"

Right now Vash and I were currently in a medical office with a Doctor Brown. He had gone back to his more incognito outfit and tried to act as a concerned husband. That was until he got a correcting jab to the side and changed his alibi to friend. Now I have a gauze wrapped around my head to help with the bleeding and the nurse gave me a damp cloth to ease the pain.

"Yeah," Vash nodded. "Couldn't really walk because of it."

I sent him a dirty glare. By this point in the checkup he should have know I don't like people speaking for me but the wetted rag on my forehead felt so nice and the painkillers I was given were starting to take an affect. 

"Mhmm." She nodded, writing something on her clipboard. "Well, I didn't find any other signs of a concussion which is a miracle considering being pistol whipped is no joke." She tapped her pen and looked between the both of us. "Is there anything different in her routine that could have triggered a headache?"

I closed my eyes, going through my day. My memories eventually set on my conversation with Nicolas. He was a headache but not that much unfortunately. I usually can have the amount of ale I've had without much problems. 

Wait... but that's not the only thing I had.

"Cocktail." I groaned, my eyes fighting sleep. 

Both of their heads whipped in my direction. "What is it, girlie?" Vash's head tilted, his organic hand reaching to soothe my head with soft touches. My hand immediately slapped him away.

"The July City Cocktail Nicholas gave me." I pushed myself up by my arms. Vash seemed very uncomfortable with the sight with me using any amount of strength. "It must've had something my head didn't agree with."

Doctor Brown pulled a face of agreement, stretching her lips and nodding along. "A hangover could be a good explanation. I'm guessing you haven't had a lot of water?"

"As far as I remember, no." 

"Good, then some water and some painkillers would do the trick. I'll send the front desk this paper so then they can run through the payments." She took a mandatory second look at her paper and shot me a polite smile, "Feel free to lay down for a bit."

"Thank you, Doctor."  Vash returned the friendliness as Doctor Brown left the room.

I watched him carefully as he plopped himself back on the chair next to me. He notices my staring and lets out a slight chuckle. "What is it girlie?" He nonchalantly places his hands behind his head. His eyes crinkle slightly, hinting at a smile. "See something you like?"

"Like I'd get all hot at a terrorist." I rolled my eyes and laid fully down on the flat-as-a-board pillow. 

Vash shifted a little. Out of the corner of my eye I notice his gaze travel down my body. "You must be uncomfortable in that dress. Miracle you were able to chase me in that."

"What, like the idea of a girl chasing you in a skimpy dress?" I spat in an accusatory tone. 

He's obviously taken aback a little. "N-no. I was just offering to let you get changed." His hands wander to the sleeve of his jacket, his prosthetic messing with the slight fraying on the edges. "Or buy you some new clothes."

A scoff forced its way out of my chest. "I'm not owing you anything."

"No strings attached." 

My head turned, being met by his bright blue eyes. "I don't believe you."

"I know." His voice whispers, leaning in close. "Take it as a thank you then."

"For what?"

"Allowing me the gift of going out with a pretty girl." He smiled slightly, "I don't get that... for lack of a better word... pleasure without some sort of paywall."

I sat up a little. "Not a prostitute guy?"

 He shrugs. "Depends. As delightful as they are, paid escorts aren't my thing if their leading line it 'that'll be two-hundred double dollars'." you could practically see the boyish smile from under that mask, "I rather be met with the least friendly one-liners known to man and a very picky taste in mediocre alcohol."

A smile fought my lips. This man had jokes. A charmer definitely, and I had to keep my poker face on. "So your type is cops?"

"Maybe." He sighs, "Maybe I just think you're pretty?"

"Sweet, but I don't buy it." I begin sitting up, still feeling the ache in the back of my head, "You've alluded arrest for so long and I'm guessing flirting is your game?"

"Not in the slightest."

I hate it. Everything he says feels so genuine it almost hurts. The way he leans into my every word with even the most subtle of smiles feels so honest that I just want to punch his face in. Usually this kind of thing doesn't set people off so violently but being in the military police means you can't trust anyone but your own kind. Sometimes, even, your own kind isn't as worthy of trust as you'd expect.

I look to the ground next to me, noticing the black duffle bag. "Look, this has been fun but I'm going to have to arrest you." I motion to the bag. "It's one thing mistakenly going out with a criminal, it's another knowingly taking favors."

He dramatically clutches his chest and falls backward in the chair, "And I thought you were starting to like me, girlie." He sighs and places the back of his palm to his forehead. "Whatever shall I do?"

"I could give you a head start?"

"Guessing there's a deal in this." He tilts his head in a joking manner.

"Unless you can pay the bill."

"Already planning to." He rests his elbows on the arms, "Give it to me straight, girlie."

"You have until I'm done changing into my uniform to pay the bill and hightail it out of here with the rest of your friends." I push myself fully upward, finally free of that stupid hangover, "Note, that the car is at the hotel several blocks from here and Bryn is just outside."

Vash nods in understanding.

"I don't give this kind of thing out easily, but considering your kindness I'll let you little bit more freedom so then I don't owe you anything."

"Understood." He pushes himself to his feet, offering his hand. The moment I take it he helps me up. "Could I ask you one more thing? It might be kind of weird."

"What is it, Typhoon?"

He huffs out a chuckle, "Cold... but I was wondering if I could give you a kiss on the cheek?" The unseen smile on his face widens. Maybe in hope, maybe just a cheeky ask to push his luck.


"Understood ma'am." 

And with that I watched as he dodged out of the room, shooting me a quick salute with his prosthetic fingers. "See you soon, girlie."

"Count on it, Typhoon."

Just like that, the chase was on.

AN: Hello, I'm back! Not dead! Just finished my finals. Art school can be a bitch sometimes but right now it seems like I'm getting A's in all my classes. Needed this chapter to be short and sweet to finally kick into the real story and serve as a transition into summer!

Currently late to a movie night with friends but I just wanted to say thank you to the people reading this. Art school can really drain my creativity and this served as really needed buffer though the last months.

Now... here we go!

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