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I'm writing this for a massive school assignment and I just want some eyes on it to make sure it's good enough. 

So any feedback is very welcome!

ALSO This will be printed into an actual physical book. 

And I need a cover. 

If anyone is willing to help out with that I will literally love you forever. 
You would be mentioned in the acknowledgements. 

Your name could be in a physical book! And so could your design!!

Again, an actual book. So any errors, mistakes, etc I would love advice on!

This isn't the absolute final copy. 

Also please keep in mind it IS a bit rushed.

Because I literally only have a month to write a whole ass book.

So build-up of connection, tension, etc is rushed.

There are so many more scenes I would love to include but cannot because of deadlines.

So after submitting and finishing the assignment I will re-visit this book in the summer and republish fr.

Thanks everyone!

Please enjoy. 

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