79~Main Culprit

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The most awaited secret of the story☠️

Author's POV

She slapped him hard, tears streaming down her cheeks, as he turned his fiery gaze towards her, filling her with terror as she glimpsed the demon lurking behind his eyes, the same one that had tormented her for so long.

Her legs shook and her body trembled like a dry leaf as her screams and pleas echoed in her ears. The broken reflection in the mirror of Past served as a cruel reminder of the pain he inflicted upon her.

She stared at him with horrified eyes, getting scared of the consequences of her actions. But suddenly, she noticed his eyes turning neutral and a smirk tucking his lips.

"Why are we hell-bent on pulling the demon in me, Jaana?" His amused tone left her struggling for breath, as almost a forced intimacy resurfaced in her mind, reminding her of the consequences she bore just after slapping him once in past.

"You are scaring me, Ardhansh?" Her lips wobbled in terror, yet his cool demeanor didn't waver in the slightest.

"Am I?" he calmly asked, staring at her wobbling lips, and she almost suppressed her cries, feeling vulnerable.

She wanted to run and hide somewhere to save herself, but the thought of her son kept her rooted in the same place.

Controlling her emotions, she sat on the stool, not caring about the blood flowing from the corner of her lips, and said with tears in her eyes, "Listen, Arsh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, but please don't divorce me. My son will hate me forever. He won't accept me, Ardhansh. At least for the sake of our kid, don't do this."

She harshly wiped her tears and begged, "He already hates me, Ardhansh. If you do this, the situation will worsen. Try to understand, please. If you want to get rid of me, fine. I will divorce you once he reaches the perfect age to understand everything. I won't meddle in your life. I won't say anything if you sleep with different women every day, I won't stop you even if you use me. But please, I can't do this."

The ache in her voice grew deeper, but it didn't affect him in the slightest. He eyed her puffy eyes, the red tip of her nose with her teary gaze, and her bleeding lips. She looked devastated, almost on the verge of breaking apart.

He saw her old self in the girl in front of him, exactly as she was-a fragile doll. There was no facade of strength; she was fully broken once again, only by him.

Her fragile body looked pale and red from continuous tears, but there was no mercy in his heart.

He wanted to hurt her, to make her bleed, to make her feel the same pain his sister was going through, without a single scratch crossing his forehead.

"Do you think you can get him back, my Jaan? Didn't I warn you to tell him before time slipped away? But you didn't listen. Why cry now?"

She lifted her teary eyes to stare at him and mumbled with disbelief, "Is it you, Arsh?... You are just crossing all limits to be called the worst."

A chuckle left his lips as he stared at her bleeding, red lips. "You haven't even seen my worst, baby. You should be thankful I never went for revenge."

His eyes roamed on her chubby red face as he continued stabbing her wounds, "And what's my fault if your son called you a whore? After all, you behaved like one."

A sob escaped her mouth, and she muttered, digging her nails into her palm, "Don't damage me too much, Ardhansh. You won't be able to heal my soul again. Don't make me regret every moment I spent under you, thinking it was love-

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