78~ A Mirror of Past

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Author's POV

Her steps stumbled, and she tilted her head in shock and tears. "Ar... dhansh."

"It would be better if you don't waste your precious time and sign those papers, Jaan," he spoke with difficulty, trying to appear at ease and ignore the pain in his chest.

His words left her speechless. She hadn't imagined that just one misunderstanding from her side would shatter their relationship.

Was his love a facade? If he couldn't even handle her breakdowns, what kind of love did he truly have?

But wasn't this what she had been reluctant about? Why was she now feeling an ache in her heart?

"I don't want to sign those papers... we can talk, Ardhansh," she pleaded, almost mumbling to herself, still trying to comprehend what exactly was happening in her life all of a sudden.

She knew she would lose Ayaan forever if this happened, but more importantly, she would lose this man too. What would she answer her younger son?

He sighed, searching for cigarettes but found none nearby. Suddenly, his eyes landed on his blood-stained clothes neatly placed on the table with his accessories.

He turned to look at her with a twisted lips, but she remained staring at him with tears in her eyes.

"Come here, Jaan," he calmly said, and she hesitantly glanced at him. Her inner voice was alarming her not to obey. Whenever he gave her such a smile, it left her shattered, and she was afraid to face that pain again.

The heartbreaks she had endured replayed in her mind, and her legs grew weak. She wanted to be strong and not behave like a weakling, but seeing his condition and the blankness in his eyes left her in turmoil.

"You can leave if you don't want to obey. Take your time, and sign those papers, but do it a little asap," his tone was flat and devoid of emotion, prompting her to move forward without a second thought.

She walked towards him, but halted upon hearing his next statement.

"Not here, Go get a cigarette packet from there," she wanted to neglect it, considering his condition, but she didn't, and instead went towards his clothes.

She found his accessories near his clothes and noticed a cigarette pack with a lighter. She grabbed them in her trembling palm, unsure of where to start.

She wanted to apologize for what she had done, to embrace him tightly, to ask him about his condition, about his sudden decision, to accuse him for trying to abandon them, to tell him about their son—all at once. But she felt her tongue too heavy to utter those simple words.

He was there in front of her eyes, yet she felt an invisible and huge wall standing between them, blocking her from getting close to him, from feeling him, and loving him.

Once again, his behavior and tone reminded her of the past, draining all color from her face and causing her to go pale with anxiety still she held herself back.

She walked near him but was afraid to meet his eyes. Guilt was consuming her, but the thought of what might have happened to him was equally distressing.

She could hate him, but she could never wish to see him in such a condition. Yet today, she was witnessing it, and the reason was she herself and her own stupidity.

Her mind wasn't thinking about anything other than his pain. She cursed herself for pushing him into such a condition.

She took a seat on a stool, lacking the courage to stare at him or his wound, trying to control herself. But when her heart didn't listen, she leaned near him and tenderly cupped his cheeks, kissing his forehead.

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