"i dont wanna be an uncle"

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i unintentionally sorta made a part of this seem like a romantic relationship between y/n and kaiser so i forced the whole sibling thing like mid paragraph 😭

idk how to write siblings guys.. 😓


"micha.." you pushed your suitcase away as you called for your brother, who had been in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes now. "where are my hair things..?"

a muffled reply sounded from across the room and you huffed in annoyance. "i swear.." you muttered, pushing yourself up from the floor and walking towards the bathroom. "did you even hear me? i asked where my hair.. clips.."

you paused in the doorway, looking at your brothers reflection as his eyes met yours in the mirror.

"you gotta be actually joking right now.."

instead of saying anything, he continued his little activities; pushing his front hair pieces back and clipping them down. with a frustrated sigh, you gave up and instead walked into the bathroom to sit on the counter and watch as he slightly struggled.

"how do you even do this?" michael glanced at you, damn near tearing the metal clip from his hair and pulling out a few strand with a wince. "when i do it, it's always loose. it's so damn annoying"

with his eyes now on you, you decided with an unbothered shrug to piss him off. "not sure. it's not like they're mine or anything.." you looked away, acting as if you were nonchalant and weren't still annoyed with him, knowing it'd piss him off more.

"why the hell did i even come here with you again..?" he muttered to himself, making another attempt. "of course it's cause you love your dear little sister" your scoff irritated him even more and you laughed while watching his eyebrow quirk up in annoyance. "and because you wanted to try taiyaki.."

michael hummed softly before pointing the clip towards your way with a bothered pout. "help"

"you only act like a big baby in front of me.." you muttered and took the clip, pushing his hair back and perfectly clipping it in place. "i'm gonna secretly record this and expose you to isagi yoichi"

he huffed loudly with his eyebrows furrowed, making you laugh softly. for a second, you looked over his features, finding new lines of stress on his face, most likely from his time in blue lock. the thought of those teenagers fucking with him and pissing him off badly enough to leave a physical reminder on his face was almost funny to you.

looking over his face once more, your eyes met some other marks on his face. at the sight of the old scar on his hairline, you gently moved your thumb over it. it wasn't common for your brother to let his old scars show intentionally but when he did, you couldn't help but to press at them or smooth over them as if they'd disappear. michael seemed to like the feeling anyway. it was almost like it was calming to him.

you squinted slightly at the sight of a few smaller scars, lightly brushing your nail across the smaller ones and grazing across the slightly bigger ones that were a little more noticeable.

"i don't know what you like so much about those marks" his eyes opened to meet yours with an annoyed gaze. "they're not a big deal"

his tone of nonchalance made you frown, knowing that what he had been through when he was younger had deeply impacted him even if he never showed it. "it's not that i like them.. they're just.. interesting..?"

michael snickered at how your tone changed into a questioning one at the end of your sentence. so, neither you nor him knew what was so alluring about his scars when it came to you. the thought of even being so intrigued by them in the first place confused your brother but he never dwelled too much on the idea as neither did you.

you took your time clipping back his hair on the other side, lightly brushing at his bangs to give a slightly messier look. it suited him way better than the always poised and put together look he tried so hard to force. sometimes though, a part of you liked that he put up that image. it was a reminder that that part of michael was just for you and him to remember, showing that no matter how much distance was put between yours and his sibling relationship, there was always something that kept the two of you close. 

"all done" you said with a seemingly bright smile to your brother. it was almost enough for him to slightly smile back but he didn't. "and next time don't steal my stuff, asshole"

after flicking his forehead, you left your brother in the bathroom with a shocked expression on his face, figuring you'd just put your hair up instead of clipping it back.

with a huff, michael came from the bathroom and watched as you fixed your clothes in the mirror after doing your hair. "you were serious about being friends with those losers?" he asked with almost a scoff, to which you replied with an even more annoyed scoff.

"yes.. what's the issue?"

michael hummed a soft reply and furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. if you were to start dating that isagi yoichi loser he'd lose his shit. "just don't be dumb.. and don't get pregnant, stupid"

the thought of getting pregnant nearly gave you whiplash. it was insane that he thought of you being so irresponsible.

"i'll try my best not to" you glared, grabbing your bag and deciding to fuck with him with a snarky grin. "depends on just how hot nagi and rin are in real life. who knows what'll happen" the small laugh you let out irked michael even more as he just stared at you incredulously.

"are you joking?" he asked, trailing after you when you moved to walk out of the door. "please tell me you're joking, y/n"

"we're gonna be late"

"i don't wanna be an uncle" he muttered, catching up to you to walk slightly in front of you, as he always did. "i don't want you having kids with these losers.."
he looked at you once more. "can you just say you're joking already"

you rolled your eyes and scoffed out a laugh. "why in the world would i be serious.. you're so stupid, micha.."

"uh huh.." his exhale was shaky, making you laugh while walking down the hallway, happily making your way to meet up with michael's old enemies and your newfound friends.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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