16: You Have My Loyalty

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Joshua's fingers hovered over the keys of his device, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. With a heavy sigh, he finally began to type out his message to Wonwoo. "Wonwoo, I have news. Seokmin and I have decided to move to the Amber Mansion."

As he hit send, Joshua couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. He knew that this move would bring them one step closer to achieving their goals, but it also meant further entangling himself in a web of lies.

A moment later, Wonwoo's response flashed on the screen, filled with excitement and anticipation. "That's fantastic news, Joshua! With you inside the Amber Mansion, we'll have access to invaluable information about the inner workings of the Amber gang. This is exactly what Seungcheol and the Midnight gang need."

Despite the weight of his deception, Joshua forced a tight smile, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the sacrifices he was making for the greater good. "I'll do whatever it takes to gather the information we need, Wonwoo. But I can't help but worry about the risks involved."

Wonwoo's response was swift and reassuring. "You're not alone, Joshua. We're all in this together, and we'll support you every step of the way. Just remember why we're doing this – to protect our own and to dismantle our enemies from within."

With Wonwoo's words echoing in his mind, Joshua took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. As he prepared to embark on this next phase of their mission, he knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty. But for the sake of Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and the rest of the Midnight gang, he was willing to endure whatever trials came his way.


As the sleek black car cruised through the dimly lit streets of the city, Seokmin couldn't shake off the feeling of unease gnawing at him. Sitting beside him was the person he had been crushing on for months, Jisoo—or so he thought. Little did he know that the person beside him was actually Joshua, a member of their rival gang, disguised as Jisoo to infiltrate the Amber mansion.

Seokmin glanced at "Jisoo," admiring the way the streetlights reflected off his features, casting shadows that danced across his face. "So, Jisoo, you're finally coming back to the mansion. It's been a while. We've missed you."

Joshua, maintaining his guise, nodded with a charming smile. "Yeah, it feels good to be back. I've missed everyone too."

Mingyu, Seokmin's trusted friend who was driving, chimed in from the front seat. "It's gonna be great having you back, Jisoo. Things haven't been the same without you around."

Seokmin nodded in agreement, his heart fluttering at the thought of having Jisoo back in the mansion. "Definitely. We could use your expertise in handling some of the recent issues."

Joshua shifted slightly in his seat, his mind racing with the complexities of the situation. He had to tread carefully to maintain his disguise and gather information for the Midnight gang. "I'll do my best to help out wherever I can."

As the car continued its journey, Seokmin couldn't help but engage "Jisoo" in conversation, eager to catch up on lost time. "So, how have you been, Jisoo? It feels like it's been forever since we last saw each other."

Joshua smiled warmly, weaving a tale of fabricated experiences to keep up the charade. "I've been alright, just keeping busy with... things."

Mingyu glanced at Joshua through the rearview mirror, suspicion flickering in his eyes for a moment before he returned his focus to the road ahead.

Seokmin leaned in closer, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Is everything okay, Jisoo? You seem a bit... off."

Joshua quickly composed himself, flashing Seokmin a reassuring smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just tired from all the traveling, you know?"

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