Episode 2: Scavenging to Survive

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Fiore landed on the ground safely, she was relieved when she did.

"Thank goodness, I almost thought–" She was then crushed by Ashley who landed on her. "COULD YOU GET OFF?"

"Oh gee, sorry, I never used these things before."

"I can tell." Fiore rolled her eyes.

"Thank God, we're not on the same team."

"Agreed," Fiore huffed. "Anyways, see you later cow tongue for brains." She walked away, flipping Ashley off.


Ashley: I wasn't lying, I never knew how to use a parachute before, but I definitely planned to land on Fiore. Far as I'm concerned, and usually I don't wish pain onto any little girl, she deserved worse than a kick to the head.


Meanwhile Tom was leading Miriam and Jake to an end of a path, where Jake stopped him.

"Do you think we could talk now?"

Tom paused, not sure of what to say precisely. He began to get nervous.

"I'm trying to get to my team as soon as possible, I don't want to miss that early bonding. You should totally do the same. Bye!" He ran off as Jake felt defeated.

Miriam crossed her arms.

"Let him go Jake." She huffed. "He's clearly not interested in patching things up."

"I don't want to assume things like last time, I have to hear it from him."

"His silence speaks volumes."

"After everything we've been through, is this really it?"

"It might be time to move on." Miriam told him.

As this happened Lake was guiding Aiden, Maggy, and James.

"Alright Aiden, you take a right and go on for another kilometer."

"I guess this is goodbye." Aiden said looking at the three of his friends.

"I'll see you in the challenges. But I'll admit it'll be hard to beat you, because then you'll have to be going home." James told his boyfriend teasingly.

"Don't say that." Aiden said. "Give it your all, babe. I can handle myself." Aiden weakly smiled. He waved as he started to leave his friends. It felt so hard doing so, he felt so out of it. He couldn't believe he was the one on a separate team.

At the blue camp, Lill already arrived with Karol and Rosa. She smiled looking at both the girls.

"Alright, here we are." Lill told them both.

"Doesn't look too bad." Karol looked around and sighed. "It'll be hard to sleep without a bed, that's for sure."

"I wonder who else is on our team." Rosa smiled.

It wasn't long until Connor walked over guiding Riya.

"Are you both part of the team?" Lill asked as she lit up a little seeing Connor, for some reason she felt comfortable with him around, only knowing each other for several hours on the flight by overhearing his talks and getting into a discussion with him at least once during the flight.

Connor shook his head.

"I was just helping Riya, I'm actually part of the red team."

Rosa rolled her eyes, great, she was stuck with the woman who took her totem and framed her. She wouldn't be surprised if she did that once more. So she had to be careful again.

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